Annual Recognition & Excellence Awards

Staff Award Nomination Forms for 2024 - 2025 are open and accepting nominations!
The deadline for nominations is March 15th each year. Look for a formal announcement of award winners in April.
The purpose of the Above and Beyond Award is to recognize individuals and groups who go above and beyond the routine call of duty. This award differs from the Distinguished Service and Work Process Improvement Award in that it commends individual events, activities and projects.
Selection Criteria
The recipients of this award will have performed a significant action or service that:
- Surpasses the requirements of their job description;
- Is voluntary;
- Is unexpectant of compensation in time off or payment;
- Is either within or outside of their scheduled work hours.
For example, the nurses of the Student Health Center were the first recipients of this award. They were recognized for working extra hours, bringing in homemade food, doing extra laundry, etc. in support of the students during a flu epidemic on campus.
The recipient must have:
- Full or part time Villanova University faculty or staff member status, or have retired within the award year;
- A clean personnel file record.
A nominee may receive additional Above and Beyond Awards:
- If they are nominated for examples that meet the selection criteria that are DIFFERENT from prior nominations.
- They have not received an Above and Beyond Award in three calendar years.
Nomination Process
Nominations may be submitted by any member of the campus community (administrators, staff, faculty or students). Nomination forms must be submitted prior to the deadline and must be complete for consideration. Self nominations will not be accepted.
Selection Process
Nominations will be accepted continuously until March 15 of each award year. The Selection Team will review nominations once a year based upon the selection criteria detailed above.
Recognition for all award recipients occurs at an annual awards luncheon hosted by Fr. Peter Donohue, University President.
There are two annual Distinguished Service Awards. One is designed to recognize an individual staff member for consistent excellence, exceptional performance and service to the University community. The second award honors a group of individuals who, as a team, completes a special work project or activity during the fiscal year. The work project or activity cannot be a day to day activity of the department or of its team members. This team must have representation from at least two offices; employees from a single work unit are not eligible.
Selection Criteria
Awards will be given based upon the extent to which the nominee (individual or team) meets the following three criteria:
Consistent Excellence
Those who, day in and day out, demonstrate excellence in their attitude and performance. Some examples:
- Interacts with others in a positive, enthusiastic and cheerful manner
- Commands the respect of co-workers, supervisor, students and others
- Assists others with both personal and professional challenges that impact work life
- Demonstrates extensive knowledge and competence in a wide array of work related topics
- Uses knowledge and expertise to troubleshoot/solve problems quickly
- Handles a large workload effectively and in a timely fashion
- Acts as a team player and encourages teamwork in others
- Exhibits a high degree of professionalism
Exceptional Performance
Those who demonstrate exceptional performance, above and beyond the call of duty and/or completed a task with a high level of excellence. Some examples:
- Accepts responsibilities and performs duties above and beyond what is normally expected
- Works extra hard to help complete a critical work project/s
- Plays a key role in remedying a crisis or an emergency
- Provides services which are outside the scope of normal work duty
- Completes challenging tasks with little direction or supervision
Villanova Community
Those who perform an activity which significantly enhances our sense of community or fosters a community spirit. Some examples:
- Serves on University committees that promote the department/University and its staff and students
- Acts as a mentor for others by providing advice, guidance, feedback and encouragement
- Helps to integrate new employees or supervisors into the work environment
- Shares personal knowledge and skills with others in an effort to promote the welfare of staff and students
- Serves as a positive role model for others
Individual Award
All full-time and part-time staff employees (excluding Vice Presidents, Associate Vice Presidents, Assistant Vice Presidents, Executive Directors, Deans, and all other individuals who directly report to the President's Office) who have at least two years of service by the nomination deadline are eligible. Retirees may be eligible if they were employed during the fiscal year, June 1 through May 31. Employees who have previously received this award are not eligible, however, individuals previously nominated who did not win are eligible with the submission of a current nomination packet. A list of past winners will be updated annually. Faculty and student employees or work study students are ineligible for this award.
Team Award
In the spirit of community and commitment to quality improvement, work teams are also eligible for a special team award. A team may be comprised of any two or more community members (including all full-time and part-time staff, students and faculty) who work as a team to complete a special work project or activity during a fiscal year. This team must have representation from at least two offices: employees from a single work unit are not eligible. The work project or activity cannot be a day to day activity of a department or of its team members.
Previous award winners or nominees, either individual or team, along with current individual nominees are eligible to be included in a work team nomination. An individual may be a member of several nominated teams.
Nomination Process
Nominations and letters of support may be submitted by any member of the campus community (administrators, staff, faculty or students) throughout the course of the year. Nominations must be made and completed using the online form by the deadline of each year.
The completed nomination package will be reviewed by Human Resources and placed in each nominees' personnel file. Human Resources will verify that the nominated employee is in good standing with the University.NOTE: Any Villanova employee may nominate or write a letter of support for only one person and/or one team.
Selection Process
All nominees will be judged in comparison to all other nominees for the current fiscal year. Examples and achievements will only be considered if they are related to work in the department and/or at the University. Each committee member will use a ten-point scale to rate the nominees based on the Nomination Statement. Letters of support will then be reviewed. An average score will be developed for each nominee. A run-off vote will then be conducted with the top three scorers to determine the awardee who will be recommended to the President. The President will approve all awards.
One individual award and one team award may be given in each fiscal year. Where there are no outstanding candidates, no awards will be given.
Each Individual Award winner will receive $1,500 and a plaque. In addition, awardees will have their names inscribed on a permanent plaque prominently displayed on campus.
Each Team Award winner will receive an award certificate and be invited to a lunch with the President. In addition, each department represented on the team will be given a plaque with the team name and members listed. The team name will also be inscribed on a permanent plaque for display at the University.
The Work Process Improvement Award is designed to recognize those individuals or teams who have made suggestions which result in meaningful work process improvements and/or work redesigns.
Selection Criteria
The award will be given for suggestions which have been adopted at Villanova University. The improved processes must meet at least two of the following four criteria:
- The project/improved process enhances the quality of services provided by the University
- The project/improved process enhances operational efficiency
- The project/improved process generates revenue
- The project/improved process generates a documentable cost savings
All Villanova University faculty, staff and students (full-time and part-time) are eligible. Teams of up to four individuals may be nominated to receive the award. An individual/team may not receive an award more than once per fiscal year.
Nomination Process
Any Villanovan may nominate himself/herself or others by completing the nomination form. Nominations must be made by the deadline each year.
Selection Process
The WPI Selection Committee will review the nominations received by using the criteria as a guideline. If the committee requires additional information, the nominator will be contacted. Depending upon the volume of nominations, awards will be made twice during the academic year near the end of each term.
The value of the award is $100 credited to the awardee's Villanova University Nova Bucks debit account. If the awardees are part of a team, the $100 award will be divided equally among the winning members' Nova Bucks accounts. Typically awards are presented in person by WPI Selection Committee member(s) at a meeting of the recipient's full department.
The recipient(s) will be acknowledged at the community event scheduled after the awards have been distributed and in campus-wide communications.

University Staff Council partners with the staff award committees to host a lunch with Father Peter for award winners each year. This lunch is meant to bring recognition to their hard work and dedication. Villanova University is truly thankful for their efforts and we know they will continue to work hard to improve the lives of their co-workers, students, and the entire extended Villanova community!
2024 Above and Beyond Awards:
Meghan Dietzler
Ian Barredo
Ronald Sorgi
John (Marshall) Brownback
Theresa Walton
Christine Iosue
Aimee McStravog
Kathleen (Kate) Vicente
2024 Work Process Improvement Awards:
Justin Mitsch – Chemistry Lab Equipment Tracking System
Rose DeSalvo – UNIT AEM Bridge On Demand Training
Maire Sturm and Kevin Madden – Advancement Stewardship Team
November 2021 Villagnome Award Recipient
Department of Human Resources
August/September 2021 Villagnome Award Recipient
Debra Villano - Assistant Registrar - Office of the Registrar
May 2021 Villagnome Award Recipient
Christine Quisenberry - Director of Presidential Initiatives and Events - Office of the President
April 2021 Villagnome Award Recipient
Nick Tumolo - Division of Student Life - Assistant Dean of Students & Community First Committee
December 2020 Villagnome Award Recipient
Robert DeLange – Facilities Management
November 2020 Villagnome Award Recipient
UNIT Classroom Technologies Team: Frank Palmarino, Brian Baker, Samuel Davidson, Evan Dorsey, David Gregorio, Chris Pyle, Daniel Steinman, and Terry Van Keuren
October 2020 Villagnome Award Recipient
Mary McGonigle, Michael Duncan, Mary Agnes Ostick and the entire staff of the Student Health Center
September 2020 Villagnome Award Recipient
Alice Lenthe, Environmental Health and Safety
August 2020 Villagnome Award Recipients
Shaun Ahner, Facilities
Lindsay Bair, CLAS/Biology
Pam Braxton and Carolyn Bruce, Registrar/Enrollment Management
Meghan Dietzler, Campus Ministry
Kelly Dougherty, Joseph Hohman, and Greg Masso, Residence Life
Melinda Germa, VSB/Clay Center
Eydiejo Kurchan, CLAS/Chemistry
Susan Morgan, Registrar/Enrollment Management
Julie Morrison, University Advancement
Office of Diversity Equity and Inclusion (Terry Nance, Alex Iannucci, Sheryl Perlmutter Bowen, Ariella Robbins, Alberta Parsons)
Dave Roth, Facilities
Sandy Upton, University Advancement
Alvin Wong, UNIT
Above and Beyond Award
Individual Awards
Kathy Gallagher, UNIT
Kathleen Vicente, Student Involvement
Lawrence Cozzens, HRD
Marie Pelcin, HRD
Distinguished Service Award
Individual Award
Lorraine D’Alleva, Financial Assistance
Team Award
Katie Nadorlik, CLAS
Dan DeVos, UNIT
Jean Kong, UNIT
Lisa Kemble, UNIT
Kelly Grentz, University Communication and Marketing
Work Process Improvement
Individual Awards
Abigail Rutledge, Education and Counseling
Linda Lindley, Public Safety
Anita Burry, Nursing
Mario Lozada, Nursing
Villlagnome Award
Betty DeRita, Facilities
Marcus Williams, Connelly Center
Alexis Robinson, Director of Financial Aid
Above and Beyond Award
Individual Awards
Team Award
Distinguished Service Award
Individual Award
Team Award
Work Process Improvement
Individual Awards
Team Awards
Villagnome Award
Mary Lou Glenn, Office of the Provost
Nick Tumulo, Commencement Committee
Lorraine D'Alleva, Office of Financial Assistance
Katie Nadorlik, CLAS Graduate Studies
Graphic Services
Above and Beyond Award
Individual Awards
Steven Schultz, Charles Widger School of Law
Bonnie Lyons, Graphic Services
Cathy DeGrazio, UNIT
Elizabeth (Betty) Madden, Dining Services
Tim O'Connell, Campus Ministry
Distinguished Service Award
Individual Award
Diane Mozzone, CLAS Political Science Department
Work Process Improvement
Team Awards
Electronic Grade Change Process
Susan, UNIT
Kathy Liberato and Carol Mitchell, Office of the Registrar
Slate Implementation (Undergraduate)
Melanie Egan, Maureen Healey, and Candice Keith from Office of Undergraduate Admission
Susan Morgan from Enrollment Management
Above and Beyond Award
Individual Awards
Kevin Donahue, UNIT
Ashish Desai, UNIT
MaryLou Glenn, Office of the Provost
Jennifer Carangi, Education and Counseling
Lindsay Bair, Biology
Nikki Hornsberry, Student Life
Linda Lindley, Parking
John Tiedmann, Public Safety
Suzanne Wentzel, University Communication
Team Award
Frank Palamarino
Brian Baker
Terry VanKeuren
Chris Pyle
Sam Davidson
Evan Dorsey
Crispin May
Scott Brady
Distinguished Service Award
Individual Award
Maureen Galia, Health Services
Over 20 years of excellent health service!
Team Award
EH&S and Chemistry
Life Safety Box
Alice Lenthe, EH&S
Eric Welsh, EH&S
Eydie Jo Kurchan, Chemistry
Cian Watts, Chemistry
Janean Tiggett, Chemistry
Work Process Improvement
Individual Awards
Linda Buonanno, Graduate Studies
Late Fee Assessment and Tracking of Graduation Applications
Emily Hatcher, Graduate Studies
Virtual Information Session
Kevin Grubb, Career Center
Handshake Implementation
Team Awards
Graphic Services
NovaDocs portal for campus documents
Bonnie Lyons
Jenn Koder
Barb Joyce
University Advancement
Endowment and Stewardship Dashboard
Jessie Chen
William Thompson
Finance, Procurement & UNIT
NovaPay Expense Reporting and Reimbursement
Wendy Kinsey
Michelle Dougherty
Rob Mott
Dave Mullen
John Durham
Villagnome Award
Graphic Services
Karen Gause, Senior Law Librarian
Above and Beyond Award
Individual Awards
Kevin Behrens, Public Safety
Nikolaus Fogle, Falvey Library
Michele Breslin, Residence Life
Michelle Johnson, Payroll Office
Chad Fahs, Department of Communication
Anne Hischar, Computing Science
Micky (Naorwarat) Schlanger, Custodial Services
Nancy Peltier, Biology
Jonathan Graziola, CLAS
Distinguished Service Award
Individual Award
Hubert Whan Tong, International Students & Disability Services
Work Process Improvement
Individual Awards
Eydiejo Kurchan, Chemistry Dept.
Team Awards
Judy Gentile, Continuing Studies
Amy Rockwell, Student Life
Timothy Toth, UNIT
Villagnome Award
Deb Tyksinski, Dean, College of Professional Studies
MaryLou Glenn, Research and Graduate Programs
Rev. Peter Donohue, University President
Liesel Schwarz, Sustainability Manager
Connelly Center Dining Services Team
Allison Venella, Athletics
Above and Beyond Award
Kevin Bowie
Ann McCabe
Linda Mariani
Cindy May
Najib Nadi
Marie Paolucci
Christopher Townend
Amber Viescas
Distinguished Service Award
Individual - Hubert Whan-Tong, Office for International Students and Disability Services
Work Process Improvement Award
December 2014
Individual Award - Eydiejo Kurchan, Chemistry Department, College of Liberal Arts and Science
Team Award - College of Professional Studies: Judy Gentile, Continuing Studies; Amy Rockwell, Student Life (formerly of Continuing Studies); and Tim Toth, UNIT
May 2014
Individual Award - Christine DellaPenna, Clay Center, Villanova School of Business
Team Award - Melissa Gerding, Registrar's Office; Susan Hill, John Brzezicki, Christopher Washburn, UNIT
Villagnome Award
Marybeth Avioli and UNIT Staff
Anne Ford, Falvey Library
Dining Services, Public Safety, Grounds and the Health Center
Helen Tursi, Helen Mercanti and the USC Community Committee
Above and Beyond Award
Rob DiPaulo
John Gebhart
Jerry Glenn
Erin Horn
Geraldine Jackson
Barbara Joyce
Jennifer Koder
Jennifer Leatherman
Bonnie Lyons
Joseph O'Pella
Nancy Pecora
Jessica Schwartz
Roger Stumpo
Russell Vitale
Albert Baladez
Tom Casey
Sue Leighton
Marci Paton
Autumn Sunderlin
Distinguished Service Award
Individual - Linda Buonanno, Office of Graduate Studies
Work Process Improvement Award
May 2013
Individual Award - David Uspal, Falvey Memorial Library
Team Award - Christine Altman and Taryn Kay, Creative Services
Villagnome Award
Father Chris Drennen and Campus Ministry
Vince Nicastro, Athletics
Mary Jane Magee, Campus Ministry (retired)
Amy Spare, Law School Library
UNIT – Matt Morrisey, Emil Kotschneff, Martin McDonnell, Jeff Rule, Rob Watson
Rick Launderslager, Grounds/Recycling
Conference Services – Ron Diment, Sue Scollon, Stefanie Austinat
Executive Campaign Committee – Heather Potts Brown, Cathleen Parsons-Nikolic, William Green, Patricia McGoldrick, Mary Cunningham, Kathy Welsch, James Garvey, Amy Layman, George Kolb, Anne Hoelzle, Emily Spitale
Above and Beyond Award
John Bonass
Renee Boyd-Shaw
Michele Breslin
Anita Burry
Louise Carbone
David Gregorio
Richard Hall
Michael Hoffberg
Nikki Hornsberry
Linda Lindley
Susan Markert
Diane McCullough
Daniel McGee
Leslie McNamee
Joseph Michl
Louis Piccirelli
Marita Podder
Kathleen Nazar
Peggy Shafer
Elisa Wiley
Michael Wilson
Distinguished Service Award
Individual Award - Michelle Capobianchi , Dining Services
Work Process Improvement Award
December 2012
Individual Award - Justin Ledesma, Undergraduate Admissions
Team Award - Susan Jacobs and Woo Cheng, Graduate Arts and Sciences
Above and Beyond Award
Joan Davis
Maria D'Alicandro
Tom DeMarco
Janet Duffy
Kathy Gallagher
Caryl Keet
Meghan Mogan
Teresa Scully
Distinguished Service Award
Individual Award - Carol Anthony, Center for Peace and Justice
Work Process Improvement Award
Above and Beyond Award
Carolyn Arena
John Brzezicki
Vincent DiMatteo
Dining Services
John Donahue
Evan Dorsey
Barbara Downs
Facilities Management
John Foster
Marek Grinberg
Richard Laudenslager
John Mackay II
Mail Services
Barbara Nolan
Jennifer Pohlhaus
Public Safety
Sharon Roth-DeFulvio
Student Health Center
Helen Tursi
Distinguished Service Award
Individual Award - Nancy Mott, Learning Support Services
Work Process Improvement Award
Above and Beyond Award
Venessa Anderson
Carol Anthony
Archyn Brew Butler
Xiao Lin
Etta Nase
Joan Prendergast
Nora Ramos
Distinguished Service Award
Individual Award - Marybeth Avioli, University Information Technologies
Team Award – University Staff Council Implementation Team: John DiSimone, Facilities Management Office; Robin Ethengain, Dining Services Operations; John Kelley, Planning & Institutional Research ; Cathy Mairs, Office of Financial Assistance; Bob Mays, University Information Technologies; Jane Morris, Center for Undergraduate Research & Fellowship; Joan O'Brien, Planning & Institutional Research; Chrissy Quisenberry, Office of the President; Barbara Romano, Honors Program; Helen Tursi, College of Engineering
Work Process Improvement Award
Above and Beyond Award
Linda Buonanno
John Carvalho
Mary Lou Glenn
Mary Quilter
Luisa Ruggieri
Richard Wack
Robert Watson
Carolann Weidmayer
Distinguished Service Award
Team Award - Midnight Shift Recognition Team - John Barthmaier, Custodial Services; Beth Green, Human Resources; Joan Hawley, Campus Ministry; Beth Jewell, Astronomy Department; Joan O'Brien, OPTIR; Mary Quilter, Ethics Program; Christine Rittenhouse, Dining Services
Work Process Improvement Award
Above and Beyond Award
Joseph Ahern
Justin Barber
Donna Blaszkowski
Miriam Blimm
Carolyn Bruce
Lorraine D'Alleva
Gayle Doyle
Anna-Marie Filoramo
Howard Fulmer
Lorraine Gallagher-Williams
Helen Heron
Gerry Jones
Helen Major
Nancy Mott
Christine Rittenhouse
Tony Scanzano
Bill Smith
Sam Yousif
Staff of Picotte Hall at Dundale
Distinguished Service Award
Individual Award - Stephen McWilliams, International Students & Disability Services
Team Award - Learning Communities Platform Team - Pam Braxton & Pat Garland, Registrar's Office;Marie Schauder, Residence Life: Marylu Hill, Center for Liberal Education; Teri O'Brien, Student Life
Work Process Improvement Award
October 2007
Team Award - John Bonass, Wildcard Office; Kathy Bracken, Career Services; Brenda Stover, VSB
Above and Beyond Award
Christine Acchione
Kathy Bracken
Mary Clifford
Denise Gorman
Mary Kay Klara
Office Hank Lacinski
Pat McCabe
Carol Mitchell
Jeanne Mordison
Nancy Pecora
Chrissy Quisenberry
Nancy Rambo
Michael Sullivan
Lt. Vince Thomas
Sue Uphoff
Karen Wolfe
Distinguished Service Award
Work Process Improvement Award
October 2006
Team Award - Debbie Patch & Donna Gilman, Public Safety
Above and Beyond Award
Carolyn Arena
Joanna Aversa Gallagher
Mary Beth Avioli
John Bartmaier
Jameson Chace
Bernadette Dierkes
John DiSimone
Melinda German
Nancy Hippert
Jane Kelly
Emil Kotschneff
Elisa Marino
Colleen Meakim
Marie O'Brien
Elaine Petrossian
John Shuter
Brenda Tribuiani
Distinguished Service Award
Individual Award - Elizabeth DiRita, Office of Facilities Management
Team Award - VQI Environmental Team: Erika Allen-Lynch, Environmental Health and Safety; Megan Armstrong, student; Miriam Blimm, OPTIR; April Boulton, Biology; Emily Brault, student; John Cacciola, Facilities Services; Jameson Chace, Biology; Donna Chadderton, Falvey Library; Robert Curry, Bology; Jessica Delisi, student; Ashish Desai, UNIT; Jonathan Doh, Management & Operations; Kelly Doyle, student;Christopher Driscoll, Arts and Sciences; Joseph Goessling, student; Keith Henderson, Political Science; Vikram Iyengar, Biology; William Kassel, Chemistry; John Kelley, OPTIR; Markus Kreuzer, Political Science; Richard Laudenslager, Recycling;Charles Lewis, MPA student; Paul Livingston, Philosophy; Christopher Meehan, student; Patricia Mynaugh, Nursing; Kevin O’Donnell, Ground Services; John Olson, Biology; Gerald Pierri, Civil and Environmental Engineering; Paul Rosier, History;Michael Russell, Biology; Rachel Schaller, UNIT; Rominder Suri, Civil and Environmental Engineering; Robert Traver, Civil and Environmental Engineering; Joyce Zavarich, Campus Ministry.
Work Process Improvement Award
November 2005
Team Award - John Bonass (UNIT), Sharon Dana (Wildcard Office), Kathy Gallagher (Wildcard Office)
June 2005
Team Award - Caryl Keet (UNIT), Barbara Romagnoli (Bursar's Office), Pamela Braxton (Registrar's Office), Jim Kane (Human Resources), Lisa Valosky (Human Resources), Jodi Kaelin (Human Resources), Mary Anne Curran (Human Resources)
April 2005
Team Award - Erika Allen-Lynch, Ric Laudenslager, Carol McMillin, Kevin O'Donnell, Joe Pilcicki, Clete Rickert, Bill Smith, Chris Townend
Above and Beyond Award
Health Center Nurses
Distinguished Service Award
Individual Award - Joan M. O'Brien, Office of Planning, Training & Institutional Research (OPTIR)
Team Award - Wireless Network Project Team: Robin M. Allen, UNIT – User Services; Steven Brady,College of Engineering, John L. Center, UNIT – Network and Communications, John H. Fowler, UNIT – Network and Communications, Adam M. Goldstein, UNIT – Network and Communications, William A. Henry, UNIT – User Support, Sean R. McNamara, UNIT – Network and Communications, Jill Morrison, UNIT – User Support, Matthew T. Morrissey, UNIT – Instructional Technology, Michael J. O’Neill, UNIT- Network and Communications, Jarrod J. Pietrobone, UNIT – Network and Communications, Alfred E. Sermons, UNIT – Network and Communications
Work Process Improvement Award
November 2004
Team Award - Kathy Byrnes, Kelly Donio, Michelle Evaul, Donald Godwin, Cathy McMahon, Paul Pugh, Ryan Rost, Marie Schauder
September 2004
Team Award - Nancy Dudak, Kelly Eastland and Chrissy Faistl
April 2004
Individual Award - Gene Louglin
March 2004
Team Award - Maura Ewing (UNIT), Dave Mullen (UNIT)
Distinguished Service Award
Individual Award - Joseph Pilcicki, Department of Biology
Team Award - VQI Community Committee: Beth Hassel, Campus Ministry; Carol Anthony, Peace and Justice; John Barthmaier, Custodial Services; Bernice Clary, Dining Services; Donald Godwin, Student Life Diversity Initiatives; Robin Hoose, Multicultural Affairs; Kris Huey,Human Resources; John Kelley, OPTIR; Mary Kay McCaughan Klara, Financial Assistance; Stephen McWilliams, International Students and Human Services; Donna Mulhern, Athletics; George Pinchok, Music Activities; Mary Quilter, Ethics Program;Nancy Sharts-Hopko, Nursing; Terry Sousa, Connelly Center; and Vincent Thomas,Residence Life.
Work Process Improvement Award
December 2003
Individual Award - Frances Pardini (Bursar's Office)
October 2003
Team Award -Alice Han (UNIT), Melissa Gerding (University Admission), Jean Kong (University Admission)
Individual Award - Bridget Bowers (Career Services)
March 2003
Team Award - Carolyn Arena (Public Safety), Kathy Liberato (Registrar's Office), Debbie Villano (Registrar's Office)
Distinguished Service Award
Individual Award - Noreen Cameron, Campus Ministry
Team Award - Homecoming Planning Committee: Christine Acchione, Amy Layman, Steve Cauterucci, Bety DiRita, Kevin O'Donnell, Mike McGuckin, Tim Dietzler, Jack McCausland, Bill Hale, Jeff Horton, Chris Lloyd, Carolyn Arena, Jim Belzer, Dave White, Maura McDaid, Tom Mogan, John Jeffery, Christine Faistl, Terry Sousa, Tony Alfano, Gary Bonas, Tom Malloy, Kathy Gallagher
Work Process Improvement Award
December 2002
Team Award - Elvia Beach, Robert DeVos, Christopher Driscoll, Mercedes Julia, Pat Garland, Rose Vesci (Classical and Modern Languages, College of Liberal Arts & Sciences, Registrar's Office)
October 2002
Team Award - John Bonass, Sharon Dana, Kathy Gallagher (Wildcard Office)
September 2002
Team Award - Mary Clifford, Teri O'Brien, Nancy Rambo, Karen Wolfe (Office of Academic Affairs)
May 2002
Team Award - Paul Pugh (Dean of Students Office), Cathy McMahon (Dean of Students Office), Marybeth Avioli (UNIT), Will Pohlhaus (UNIT)
March 2002
Team Award - Marykay McCaughan, Cindy Pandolfo (Financial Assistance)
Team Award - Suzanne Allen (Part-Time Studies), Chuck Hoffman (Bursar's Office)
Distinguished Service Award
Individual Award - Ilene Lee, Athletics
Team Award - I-Payment Team: Tim Ay, UNIT, Executive Director's Office, Technical Director;Jennifer Brotherston, Registrar, Coordinator of Enrollment Management Information Systems; John Brzezicki, UNIT, Central Systems, Senior Systems Administrator; John Center, UNIT, Data Networks, Assistant Director; Marie E. Gargan, UNIT, Enterprise-Wide Systems, Programmer Analyst; Melissa D. Gerding, University Admission, Assistant Director; Susan Hill, UNIT, Assistant Director, Enterprise-Wide Systems; Charles Hoffman, Bursar; Sean McNamara, UNIT, Data Networks, Network Systems Administrator; Dorothy M. Mellon, Registrar, Manager of Enrollment Management Information; Clete Rickert, UNIT, Assistant Director, Database Administration and Imaging; Janice Sylvester, University Admission, Secretary; Marjorie Torchon,University Admission, Associate Director
Work Process Improvement Award
September 2001
Team Award - Stephen Magliocco, Bonnie Lee Behm (Financial Assistance)
Distinguished Service Award
Individual Award - Bernadette Dierkes, Falvey Library
Team Award - Villanova Experience Learning Community Team: Kathy Byrnes, Assistant Vice President for Student Life; Noreen Gravanese, Bursar's Office; Marie Schauder,Residence Life; Mary Lou Hill-Monaco, Core Humanities; Kathleen Rizzo, Residence Life; Rev. John Betoni, O.S.A., Office of the Registrar; Pam Braxton, Office of the Registrar; Cathy Connor, Registrar; Tim Dietzler, Dining Services; Jack Doody, Core Humanities; Joseph Law, Dining Services; Sean Quinn, '00
Work Process Improvement Award
April 2000
Team Award - Patti Rich, Patty Abdalla, Linda Murray, Farzin Irani (Multicultural Affairs Enhancement Team)
Distinguished Service Award
Individual Award - Joe McDonnell, Mendel Science Center
Team Award - Electronic Reserve Task Force: James L. Mullins, University Librarian and Director,Falvey Memorial Library; Daniel P. McGee, Assistant Director, Instructional Technologies,UNIT; Kathleen O'Connor, Systems Librarian, Falvey Memorial Library; Richard J. Perry, Associate Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering; Evan Radcliffe,Associate Professor of English; Linda Saboe, Supervisor, Reserve Room, Falvey Memorial Library; Donna Shai, Associate Professor
Work Process Improvement Award
September 1999
Team Award - Judy Bonanno, Bernice Clay, Karen Tatarsky, Jeremy Mackay, Mary Jane Sally, Fred DiRenzo, Mike McGuckin, Kelly Spokus, Valeris Schmidt, Keeling Broughan, Catherine Almskog, Kristin Jamski and Tina Cellucci (Dining Services "Sensations Team")
July 1999
Team Award - Jim Krafcik (Alumni Affairs), Jean Monroe (UNIT)
April 1999
Team Award - Robb Williams, Aimee Orcutt, Jeff Pierce (Athletics - Sports Medicine)
Distinguished Service Award
Individual Award - Joan M. Lesovitz, UNIT
Team Award - UNIT Technical Support Team: Emil Kotschneff, Ken McKeown, Joseph Coffey, John Sullivan, Kevin Toth
Work Process Improvement Award
November 1998
Individual Award - Jennifer Brotherson (Registrar)
Team Award - Joan Canci, Terri D'Alesio (Dining Services)
March 1998
Individual Award - Mike Powers (Mail Services)
April 1998
Team Award - Suzanne Davidson, Gabe Liberatore, Jay Manzi, Jim McKee, Kevin O'Donnell, Rick Ovelman (Facilities Management)
Distinguished Service Award
Individual Award - Louise Green, Falvey Library
Team Award - Cross-Functional Project: Controller's Office, Facilities Services, Purchasing, Financial Affairs, Graphic Services, Athletics, Mail Services, Purchasing, Facilities Management - Sharon Bain, John Blair, Leo Dolan, Donald Friedman, Harry Gray, Rosemary Mazzotta, Michael Powers, Ellen Urben, James Zaleski
Work Process Improvement Award
October 1997
Team Award - University Shop and Alumni Affairs Staff
April 1997
Team Award - Brian Canavan, Residence Life; Nancy Dudak, Career Planning and Placement; Fr. Frank Farsaci, Residence Life; Jan Janosik, Center for Drug & Alcohol Education; Cathy McMahon, Office of the Vice President for Student Life; Meghan Mooney, Student Development; Ed Reilly, Counseling Center; Joanne Satiritz, Student Development; Brenda Stover, Career Planning & Placement; Will Seppi, Student (Student Life Unit Improvement Team)
Distinguished Service Award
Individual Award - Cathy Connor, Registrar's Office
Team Award - Facilities Management Grounds Team: Michael Bezdziecki, John Blair, John C. Bonas, John A. Cratin, Robert J. Dewees, Thomas A. Fleming, James J. Fondots, Chris Guaglione, Frederick E. Harris, Paul Hopkins, Claudia Kent, Gabriel Liberatore, John J. Manzi, Francis McGarvey, James McKee, Melvin Morrison, Richard Ovelman, Brian Rickers, Matt Schoff, Joseph Sireci, John Sperone, Michael Sullivan, Leonard Tiniakos, Michael Sullivan, Garrett C. Vail, Hugh A. Weldon