
June 23, 2023

Dear Members of the Villanova Community,

I am writing to share some news regarding Villanova and Cabrini University. Facing significant financial challenges, decreasing enrollment and an increasingly competitive higher ed environment, Cabrini’s leadership and Board of Trustees, together with the Missionary Sisters of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, have determined that the university will be unable to continue operating and will graduate its final class in May 2024.

Villanova and Cabrini have always shared a common foundation—a faith-based academic mission. Villanova, grounded in our Augustinian tradition, and Cabrini, inspired by Mother Cabrini, both emphasize “educating the mind and heart.” In that spirit, Cabrini leadership reached out to Villanova, as they were in search of a fellow faith-based higher education institution to help address their significant financial challenges.

We have been working with Cabrini leadership on a plan to transition Cabrini University’s operations to a close—one that would also preserve Cabrini’s legacy and mission, honoring our shared commitment to advancing Catholic higher education. Through this endeavor, we seek to enhance our University and our programs while retaining our Catholic and Augustinian traditions. I assure you that any agreement we reach will complement the goals we developed together as a community in our Strategic Plan, Rooted. Restless.

As part of our agreement, we are working to ensure that Cabrini students, faculty, staff, and alumni are well-supported through this difficult time. We will assist Cabrini in providing counseling and resources to support students in the development of individualized transfer plans to other institutions to complete their degrees. For those students who are interested in finding an academic home at Villanova, we are developing an expedited, fee-free review process. We will also provide support to Cabrini faculty and staff in identifying potential employment opportunities, including those that may exist at Villanova.

As President Drinan and I said earlier today, we know this announcement raises many questions. Many of those we simply cannot answer at this time as confidential discussions are still underway. Once an agreement is finalized and approved by both boards and other regulatory agencies, I will be able to share more detailed information.

What I can share is that we both enter this potential agreement with mutual respect and understanding for the needs and priorities of both of our communities. I appreciate the trust Cabrini President Helen Drinan has placed in us during this challenging time, and my thoughts and prayers are with the Cabrini community.

Additional information can be found on this website, and I will share more details as soon as I am able.



Rev. Peter M. Donohue, OSA