Students and faculty in a circle holding hands

Held throughout the year, Campus Ministry retreats bring together students from all faith backgrounds to step back from their daily routines, reflect on their spiritual values, share stories and understand Villanova's Catholic and Augustinian values.

They invite students to get away from the hectic pace of college life and focus on different aspects of their lives. Through grouo discussions, talks given by student leaders, meditation, games, fellowship and prayer, students can discover more about themselves and their deepest held values.

What do you do on a retreat?

  • Relax and have fun
  • Meet new people
  • Share and grow in your spirituality
  • Strengthen your relationships
  • Explore and reflect on your life decisions
  • Come to know yourself better
  • Encounter God

How do I know which retreat to attend?

You can choose the type and style of retreat you are most comfortable attending. Some retreats are quiet and include ample alone time, while others emphasize building community through sharing and group activities.

The pace of retreats also varies. Some retreats have lots of activity, while others are more leisurely.

Some retreats are designed for specific students. For example, Escape weekends are for first-year undergrads only. We ask that these students attend an Escape weekend (held once each semester) before attending our other retreats.

How can I serve as a student leader?

Student leaders are an essential part of most of our retreats. If you have experience attending retreats in high school or college, contact Kiva Nice-Webb.

Students listening on a couch
Students listening on a couch
Students sitting and laughing on the floor

Spring 2024

Date & Time:

Friday, March 15, at 5pm - Sunday, March 17, at 4pm


Gretna Glen Camp and Retreat Center

Note: Transportation to and from campus provided


Sophomores, Juniors, Seniors and Graduate Students


Explore how unconditional love, especially God's love, is present in your life. This retreat focuses on agape, a selfless and unconditional form of love.

Although grounded in the Christian and Augustinian tradition, Search is designed for and open to students or any or no faith tradition. It is hosted by the Campus Minister for Retreats and Graduate Resident Ministers, and is led by juniors, seniors and grad students who have previously participated in Search.

What to Expect:

  • Testimonials shared by student leaders
  • Considerable social activity, including sitting and talking in small groups and one-on-one discussions
  • Moderate physical activity, including group activities inside and outside
  • Time for individual reflection, reflection activities and relaxation
  • Sleeping in bunk rooms
  • Hall-style bathrooms and showers; single-user options also available

What to Pack:

  • Comfortable, casual clothing for two nights and days (check the weather before leaving and bring layers for temperature changes)
  • Sturdy shoes for hikinh
  • Medications you usually take
  • Reusable water bottle
  • Sleeping bag or sheets/blanket and a pillow
  • Towel and toiletries     


All meals are providedin the camp cafeteria. When you register, please indicate any allergies or dietary accomodations needed.


Registration fee is TBD.


Register by March 1, 2024

Date & Time:

Friday, March 22, at 6pm - Sunday, March 24, at 12pm


Malvern Retreat House

Note: Transportation to and from campus provided


Villanova undergraduate students, faculty, and staff who are affiliated with the Posse program or interested in engaging the annual theme.


"During each PossePlus Retreat weekend, a cross section of the campus community — students, faculty and administrators — come together to talk about the topic on a national, campus and personal level.

By creating a safe space for dialogue between campus community members who may not ordinarily interact with one another, retreats today have become an important forum to engage in social, cultural and political issues."

What to Pack:

  • Comfortable, casual clothing for two nights and days (check the weather before leaving and bring layers for temperature changes)
  • Sturdy shoes for hikinh
  • Medications you usually take
  • Reusable water bottle
  • Sleeping bag or sheets/blanket and a pillow
  • Towel and toiletries     


All meals are providedin the retreat center dining hall.




Check back for registration towards the end of December 2023.

Please direct any questions about registration to Brian Galloway.

Date & Time:





Villanova faculty, staff, and grad students

Note: Villanova employees, with approval from their supervisor, may attend this one half day with no loss of pay or charge to vacation time.



What to Pack:









"I have never experienced a group of people more open and willing to accept me as I am. I am so grateful."

"I'm able to see God in people more easily now."

"This weekend has given me a sense of meditation, self love and contemplation that I haven't experienced in awhile. It helped open up my understanding of love."

"I am more confident in sharing and talking about my faith, and I am left wanting to further pursue my faith and grow in love of others."