Peer Ministers are a tight-knit community of undergraduate students who provide a ministerial presence in residence halls and throughout campus while participating in ongoing personal and communal spiritual formation that is animated by the spirituality of St. Augustine and rooted in the Gospel.

If you are interested in becoming a Peer Minister or learning more about the program please email Meghan Dietzler, Associate Director of Peer Ministry.


Peer Ministers facilitate a variety of activities for individuals, small and large groups throughout the year. 

Peer Ministers are assigned to minister to a particular first-year residence hall in partnership with a Graduate Resident Minister. They will consistently spend at least one hour per week in their hall offering “ministry of presence.” This includes going door to door, meeting with residents, checking in and offering space to connect.

Formation: Peer Ministers participate in ongoing formation that offers them resources, support, and skills to be effective, grounded and intentional ministers to their residents and their peers on campus. This includes:

  • Early arrival to campus in August for Peer Ministry orientation
  • 1.5 hour bi-weekly meetings for formation, planning, community building, and shared prayer.

Community: Both in and outside of official meetings, Peer Ministers will grow in community together rooted in prayer, support, healthy communication, and joy.

Spiritual Growth:  Peer Ministers are committed to their own personal spiritual growth and are assigned to a Spiritual Mentor in Campus Ministry who will support them 1:1 throughout the year.

Select peer ministers along with other passionate Villanova students explore and express their faith through making and sharing contemporary Christian music together. This group of students meet weekly to practice music and share their faith with one another. They provide music for evenings of praise and worship Adoration.

Peer Ministers coordinate regular speaker series throughout each semester where faculty, staff, and students share stories about their faith and how it applies to their lives. The goals of both are to create honest, comfortable spaces where students can learn, be inspired, and challenged by the stories, ideas, and beliefs of the speakers. Peer Ministers also hope to these events can serve as ways for students to connect with each other and build friendships.

  • Agape Latte is a national faith storytelling series where faculty and staff on campus are invited to share part of their story and faith journey with students.
  • Cari-talks is a storytelling series founded by Villanova students during the pandemic where student speakers are invited to share part of their story and faith journey, oftentimes focused on a particular theme. Past themes include Change, Friendship, Forgiveness, Transitions, Relationships, and more!

Peer Ministers facilitate small groups where members talk about the everyday challenges of student life, including relationships, decision making, faith and spirituality. These groups provide a trusted space for honest conversation. Discover that we all share similar questions and concerns. Learn more or find a small group.


Ministry in the Halls

Serving alongside our Graduate Resident Ministers, Peer Ministers facilitate a variety of activities for individuals and groups throughout the year. They visit their hall every week and offer residents:

  • 1:1 accompaniment
  • Opportunities for community building and faith sharing
  • Support in getting connected to the wealth of resources and opportunities for both personal and spiritual growth on campus.

Peer Ministry Community and Formation


Peer Ministers participate in ongoing formation that offers them resources, support, and skills to be effective, grounded and intentional ministers to their residents and their peers on campus. This includes:

  • Early arrival to campus in August for Peer Ministry orientation
  • Two hour bi-weekly meetings for formation, planning, community building and shared prayer.
  • Regular 1:1s with Peer Ministry director


Both in and outside of official meetings, Peer Ministers will grow in community together rooted in prayer, support, healthy communication, and joy.

Spiritual Growth

Peer Ministers are committed to their own personal spiritual growth and are offered 1:1 support and accompaniment in their spiritual journeys.”

Program Director
John P. Edwards. PhD
(610) 519-3507

Associate Director for Peer Ministry
Meghan Dietzler
(610) 519-5178