The Interfaith Advisory Council envisions a Villanova community that is a welcoming home for people of all faith traditions, as well as for those who identify as non-religious. It draws on partners from across campus to guide university policies and practices around four focal areas:

  • Fostering religious literacy and interreligious learning and leadership
  • Ensuring accommodations for religious practice for those of all traditions
  • Addressing, in coordination with the Office of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, issues of religious bias or discrimination
  • Building bridges of understanding across lines of religious and nonreligious difference

Priorities and Accomplishments

Integration of interfaith engagement into student experience through leader trainings

  • Regular component of the RISE training for student organization leaders
  • Regular component of School of Business student leader training
  • Interfaith sessions with RAs, Blue Key, Peer Ministers, ACT facilitators and IGR students
  • Initiatives with Student Government 

Advocacy and support for diversifying of Theology and Religious Studies offerings and faculty

Retooling of TRS program structure led to the creation of three tracks for THL 1000:

  • Catholic Studies
  • Faith and Reason
  • Global Religious Experience

Faculty lines increasing religious diversity:

  • Dr. Ethan Schwartz, Hebrew Bible, Jewish Studies
  • Dr. Stephanie Wong, Comparative and Systematic Theology, Chinese Religions 
  • Dr. Jaisy Joseph, Systematic and Practical Theology 
  • Kerry San Chirico and Julie Sheetz co-authored chapter on “Interreligious Studies and Interfaith Engagement at the Catholic University" for the Georgetown Handbook of Interreligious Studies

Support for diverse religious practice:

  • Weekly Jummah (Muslim congregational prayer) on campus 
  • Establishment of advisers for Muslim Students Association and Hillel
  • Research and development of multifaith prayer space (to be included in St. Rita Hall renovation)
  • Academic and dietary accommodations (e.g., Ramadan and Eid during final exams)
  • Transportation to religious services and other support

Addressing religious bias, discrimination and violence:

  • Vigils in wake of Tree of Life synagogue and New Zealand mosque attacks
  • Public response to antisemitism
  • Continuing work with ODEI on campus climate

Multifaith experiential learning:

  • Interfaith Human Library held every semester 
  • Interfaith retreats
  • Religious site visits
  • On-campus events (prayer practices, interfaith dinners, Ramadan iftars, Holi celebration, Passover seders)



Julia Sheetz
Director of Multifaith Ministry, Office of Mission and Ministry

Kerry San Chirico
Associate Professor, Department of Theology and Religious Studies

Yasemin Akis
Visiting Assistant Professor, Department of Theology and Religious Studies and the Center for Arab and Islamic Studies

Sheryl Bowen
Director, Dr. Terry Nance Center for Dialogue

Dana Jacob
Director of Lifelong Learning and Alumni Programs, University Advancement

Brian McCabe
Director of Spirituality and Outreach, Office of Mission and Ministry

Rena Potok
Adjunct Faculty, English, Irish Studies, Augustine & Culture Seminar Program

Cathy Toner
Assistant Dean and Member of Interfaith Committee, Villanova School of Business

Asheq Fazlullah
Muslim Student Adviser


The council was established in 2018 as an outgrowth of University initiatives to promote interfaith engagement, including:

  • Creation of position of Campus Minister for Ecumenical and Interfaith Outreach
  • Creation of faculty line for interreligious studies in the Department of Theology and Religious Studies
  • Selection of five Villanovans to participate in first Institute for Interfaith Excellence, sponsored by the Interfaith Youth Core and the American Association of Colleges and Universities