The Journal of Catholic Social Thought was founded in 2003 in support of a call by the US Conference of Catholic Bishops to "integrate and to share the riches of the Church's social teaching in Catholic education and formation at every level" (Sharing Catholic Social Teaching: Challenges and Directions, 1998).
Published biannually by Villanova's Office for Mission and Ministry, the Journal of Catholic Social Thought features work from a variety of disciplines, including theology, philosophy, the social sciences, history, and law, and addresses both social and political theory.
The journal gives preference to analyses of Catholic social thought and dialogue with disciplines that inform Catholic social thought, as well as the ways in which Catholic social thought informs the dialogue on such issues as economic justice, the environment, human rights, racial equality, and peacebuilding.
The Journal of Catholic Social Thought welcomes empirical studies, theoretical analyses, and theological and philosophical essays. Our blind, peer-review process ensures the integrity and quality of the scholarship published in the journal.
The Journal of Catholic Social Thought is published for Villanova by the Philosophy Documentation Center (PDC), which also indexes it and makes the full text available for journal subscribers. Electronic subscriptions are available from the PDC.
Print subscriptions are available from our Subscription Fulfillment Service in Hanover, PA. Requests for back order issues must be addressed to Subscription Fulfillment Service at Hanover, PA, and paid in advance.