Promoting Augustinian foundational values.

Through Mission and Ministry, Villanova has embarked on a more structured approach when reaching out to staff both to underscore the importance of the staff in achieving the mission of Villanova and to promote amongst staff members a greater awareness of the foundational Catholic Augustinian values that we promote.

Through the foundational values of Veritas, Unitas and Caritas (Truth, Unity and Charity or Love), we promote pathways to achieving these values and strive to make staff members more aware of these pathways.


Monthly Staff Luncheons

Through a link in Campus Currents, staff members are invited each month to join together in a luncheon. We alternate between discussions centered around sharing faith one month and focusing on one of the pathways to achieving our foundational values the next. See below for a schedule of upcoming luncheons.

Staff Outreach Talks

Fr John Lydon OSA regularly schedules visits to all the areas of staff to give short talks about one of the pathways that help us strengthen our foundational values. Presently these outreach programs include:

  • Maintenance Department
  • Grounds Crew
  • Custodial Crew
  • UNIT
  • Financial Services
  • Mullen Center
  • Connelly Center
  • Dining Services

Staff Prayer Tree

Each month staff members are invited to submit their prayer petitions through a link in Campus Currents. A short 15-minute prayer service is then scheduled in Corr Chapel to pray for the intentions that were submitted. At special times of the year (Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, etc.) the prayers are directed towards a particular area of intentions. During other months they are open to any intention.




Tuesday, January 30, 2024 | 12–1PM | St. Rita Community Room
Teaching is a Vocation: My Story
Michael Heinrich Chemistry and Physics CLAS
Christopher Kilby Economics VSB
Deborah King Nursing FCN

Monday, February 12, 2024 | 12–1PM | St. Rita Community Room
Teaching: A journey in faith
Vikram Kamat Mathematics and Statistics CLAS
John Abubakar, OSA Theology and Religious Studies CLAS
Liesl Klein Electrical and Computer Engineering

Wednesday, March 20, 2024 | 12–1PM | St. Rita Community Room
Teaching is a Vocation: My Story
Veronika Ryjik Spanish CLAS
Valentina DeNardis Classical Studies CLAS
Stephen Kelly Management VSB  

Thursday, April 18, 2024 | Noon–1PM | St. Rita Community Room
Teaching: A journey in faith
Daniel Smith Nursing Nursing FCN
Krystin Sessions Ethics CLAS
Mary Ellen O’Donnell Theology and Religious Studies CLAS


To be a presenter at an upcoming Staff Dialogue Luncheon, you may nominate yourself or a colleague by contacting John Lydon with questions or for more information.

Beth Hall

Director of the Center for Faith & Learning / Corr Hall 4