Below are the various readings Scholars and Mentors have discussed in past dinners:

2022-2023 Academic Year

2021-2022 Academic Year

2020–2021 Academic Year

2019–2020 Academic Year

  • Fall 2019—"Seeking the Place of Conscience in Higher Education: An Augustinian View" by Ian Clausen (edited version of Religions, 2015, 6, 286-298)

  • Late Fall 2019—"Babette's Feast" by Isak Dinesen
    Leading Questions for Babette's Feast
  • Winter 2020—"Glad Intellectual Dependence on God: A Theistic Account of Intellectual Humility" by Peter C. Hill, Kent Dunnington, and M. Elizabeth Lewis Hall. (The Journal of Psychology and Christianity, 2018, 37, No 3, Pages 195-204.
    Leading Questions for "Glad Intellectual Dependence on God"
  • Spring 2020—"Why Work?" by Dorothy Sayers
    Leading Questions  

2018–2019 Academic Year

  • Fall 2018—"Exiles from Eden: Religion and the Academic Vocation in America" by Mark R. Schwehn (Ch. 3 - Spirited Inquiry)
    —Leading Discussion Question for evening

  • Late Fall 2018—"A Good Man Is Hard To Find" by Flannery O'Connor
    —Audio of Flannery O'Connor reading "A Good Man Is Hard To Find"
    —Leading Questions

  • Winter 2018-2019—"The Screwtape Letters: Letters I, II, XXV, XXVII" by C.S. Lewis 
    —Leading Questions for Screwtape Letters

  • Spring 2019—"Letter to an Aspiring Intellectual: Outlines of the Life of the Mind" by Paul J. Griffiths 
    —Leading Questions for Screwtape Letters       

2017–2018 Academic Year

  • Spring—"Character and Vocation" by Douglas and Rhoda Jacobsen (Ch. 10 - No Longer Invisible: Religion in University Education)
  • Winter—"Why Believe?" by John Cottingham  (Ch. 1 - Belief & its Benefits)
  • Late Fall—"Habits of the Mind: Intellectual Life as a Christian Calling" by James W. Sire  (Ch. VII - The Intellectual Disciplines)
  • Fall—"What a Student Owes His Teacher" by James V. Schall, SJ  and "Convictions" by Douglas and Rhoda Jacobsen (Ch. 9 - No Longer Invisible: Religion in University Education)

2016-2017 Academic Year

  • Spring 2017—"Courage & Calling: Embracing Your God-given Potential" by Gordon Smith
  • Winter 2017—"Augustine and Liberal Education" by Kim Pattenroth and Kevin Hughes (editors)
  • Late Fall—"Faith and the Life of the Intellect" by Curtis Hancock and Brendan Sweetman
  • Fall—"St. Augustine: Continuum Library of Educational Thought" by Ryan Topping