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Room Capacity and Seating

Room Room Setup Styles Amenities
  Conference Lecture Meals  
Villanova 300 500 400 Wi-Fi, HDMI, Screen, Laser projector, Micrphones,podium,Power point capable, TV, Cable
St David's & Radnor 45 50 64 Wi-Fi, HDMI, Screen, LCD projector, Micrphones,podium,Power point capable, TV, Cable
St David's 20 25 24 Wi-Fi, HDMI, LCD TV panel, Screen, Micrphones,podium,Power point capable,Cable
Radnor 20 25 24 Wi-Fi, HDMI, LCD projector, Screen, Micrphones,podium,Power point capable, Cable
Cinema   204   Wi-Fi, HDMI, Screen, Laser projector, Micrphones,podium,Power point capable, TV, Cable, Blue Ray
Rosemont 16     Wi-Fi, HDMI, TV panel, Power point capable, Cable
Bryn Mawr 22 30   Wi-Fi, HDMI, TV panel, Power point capable, Cable
Devon 22 30   Wi-Fi, HDMI, TV panel, Power point capable, Cable
Haverford 22 30   Wi-Fi, HDMI, TV panel, Power point capable, Cable
**President's Lounge
*room fee is assessed at $750
 *approval for this space needed from the Connelly Center Director and Campus Events dept.
Wi-Fi, HDMI, Screen, Laser projector, Micrphones,podium,Power point capable, TV, Cable, Blue Ray

Please bring your own laptop and adapter with your program loaded onto your device for connection to our systems.