Guided and rooted in Augustinian values and traditions, Villanova respects the dignity and sacredness of each person. The
VU Pride is a group of students, faculty, and staff working together to foster community, awareness and celebration of LGBTQIA+ identities on campus. We are dedicated to respecting all human beings and building a community of care and compassion.

Villanova's LGBTQ Employee Resource Group has written the following statement to express our care and support for all LGBTQ members of the Villanova community. We sincerely hope that together we can continue to create a Villanova community in which all persons are seen, celebrated, valued, and loved exactly as they are.
We as students, faculty and staff of Villanova University are dismayed by the recent statement from the Vatican that names same-sex unions as a “sin” and suggests that it is a choice to love someone of the same sex. This statement reduces humans in relationships to a single dimension, negating the wholeness and dignity of LGBTQ+ persons in the process. This is a heartbreaking, disaffirming statement that has the potential of doing grave physical and spiritual harm to LGBTQ+ people, particularly youth, who already occupy a vulnerable place in the world. It is especially hurtful considering the Catholic Church’s longstanding exclusion of LGBTQ+ people.
To all LGBTQ+ members of the Villanova community — students, faculty, staff, alumni, families, and visitors — we see you, we stand with you, and we celebrate you and your love.
Villanova is a place where we respect the dignity and sacredness of each person. The University’s Mission Statement affirms that we “seek to nurture a concern for the common good” and “an enthusiasm for the challenge of responsible and productive citizenship in order to build a just and peaceful world.” We are passionately committed to that mission and embrace the opportunity to stand against words and actions that run counter to it. As a community engaged in an antiracist movement, we recognize the need to acknowledge that identities are not singular and that we must advocate for all marginalized communities.
The Catholic faith teaches us that all people, including those of all sexual orientations, genders, gender identities, abilities, races, ethnicities, languages, religions and immigration statuses, are created in the image and likeness of God and that we are all created to love ourselves, one another, and our creator. The faith tradition of our University, as our President made clear in his letter to us, calls us to affirm and love all people without reservation and free from all shame and fear. We are all called to become with God co-creators of ourselves and our relationships in order to build up a society of love and justice on earth that eagerly awaits the fullness of God’s love for all of creation.
We join with Villanova students in their calls for the creation of a diversity center and the enhancement of the resources for LGBTQ+ people on campus. We ask Villanova leadership to continue speaking out and affirming the LGBTQ+ community. Villanova is a loving place, and these actions will further serve to spread that love to all members of our community. We offer below a prayer for all marriages, adapted from one created by Equally Blessed, a coalition of Catholic organizations, and hope that it may provide some healing to those impacted. We invite and encourage all Villanovans to explore and support the LGBTQ+ resources at the university and local and national resources, including emergency resources.
A Prayer for All Marriages
Loving God,
You who created each of us in Your own image
and who called us together in community,
We give You thanks for the gift of marriage
and for the many couples
whose love and commitment to each other reminds us
of Your never-ending love for humanity.
We thank You for all the different types of marriages in our world:
young couples beginning a life together, as well as couples celebrating decades of love,
re-married couples and those who found each other later in life,
couples whose marriages are recognized by our state and our Church,
and same-sex couples who are denied that recognition
but who continue to bravely model love and commitment in the face of discrimination.
We thank You for the many kinds of families that are strengthened by these marriages:
families of biological children and adopted children,
blended families and families of choice,
as well as couples without children who work together to nurture communities of love and justice.
We ask You to pour Your blessings onto every marriage
regardless of gender or sexual orientation.
Make each marriage one of love, respect and peace.
Guide each couple as they strive to be an example of your love in the world
and surround them with family and friends who honor and celebrate their commitment.
Help us support marriage and family in all of its diversity
and guide us as we speak out against oppression in our Church.
Lead us toward the day when all loving unions will be seen as sacred
and all couples will have the support and recognition of their faith communities.
We pray this in the name of Jesus, who called us to love one another as we love You,
- To educate the Villanova community regarding topics of sexual orientation, gender identity and expression
- To foster a welcoming community for LGBTQIA+ students
- To combat homophobic and transphobic attitudes on campus
- To present an environment that does not make assumptions about its members with regard to sexual orientation and/or gender identity and expression;
- To promote a welcoming and accepting atmosphere at Villanova for people of all sexual orientations and gender identities through education;
- To foster discussion on issues related to sexual orientation and gender identity/expression;
- To provide education and support for students with friends and family who identify as LGBTQIA+; and
- To acknowledge and respect the values and beliefs of the Villanova community as a Catholic and Augustinian university in the continuous work of learning ways to respect the sacredness of our community members.
As a Catholic university, Villanova respects the dignity and sacredness of each person. The University’s Mission Statement affirms that we seek "to nurture a concern for the common good” and “an enthusiasm for the challenge of responsible and productive citizenship in order to build a just and peaceful world.”
Towards that end, all people, including those who identify as anything other than heterosexual and cisgender, are deserving of pastoral care and the compassionate love of God. We are called to respect the human dignity and sacredness of each person, stand in solidarity with those who experience adversity and take responsibility to work toward the common good that equitably serves all who share our common home.

Oasis is a confidential, small group opportunity where a safe zone is established to engage in an open dialogue about the issues relevant to queer or questioning individuals. Participants share their experiences and connect with one another during the biweekly meetings.
Oasis is open to students who identify as part of the LGBTQIA+ community and wish to connect with others through the topics of sexual orientation and gender identity. These meetings offer relief from feelings of isolation and an opportunity to find true friendship and the authentic Augustinian community that results from a common dedication to the truth and a shared vision of the dignity of the human person.
Oasis meets regularly in the evening throughout the semester. For further information contact Father Joe Calderone via phone (610-519-7477) or email. We will discreetly respond to all earnest calls and emails with the location and time of our next meeting.
Students can also find resources within Student Life through VU Pride and Safe Zone.
The It Gets Better Project's mission is to communicate to lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender youth around the world that it gets better, and to create and inspire the changes needed to make it better for them.

Safe Zone is a visible presence on campus that supports the LGBTQIA+ community and provides undergraduate and graduate students education and training related to LGBTQIA+ identities and the needs of their community. We strive to create a community of respect and care for each person.
Please check back in the fall for information about Safe Zone Facilitator training.
Safe Zone is a visible presence on campus supporting the LGBTQIA+ community that provides education and training related to LGBTQIA+ identities and the needs of their community. We strive to create a community of respect and care for each person.
The Safe Zone workshops provide support for the LGBTQIA+ community at Villanova and educational opportunities for undergraduate and graduate students.
Safe Zone helps to create a welcoming and open environment for all and seeks to provide opportunities for increased awareness and visibility of LGBTQ-related issues and needs.
If you are a student who is interested in receiving Safe Zone training or if you would like to request training relating to a specific topic for a group please contact Carly Pais, Program Specialist, Office of Belonging and Inclusion.
If you are a faculty or staff member that is interested in receiving LGBTQIA+ education, please contact Sydney Lobosco, Training Manager, Office of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion.
About Safe Zone Training Sessions
Each semester, Villanova students are invited to sign up for the initial workshop, called VU Safe Zone Workshop Part 1, which is two hours and is offered three to four times each academic year.
After completing VU Safe Zone Training (Part 1) it is expected that participants register for a second training within the year called VU Safe Zone Workshop Part 2. Part 2 is designed to give students additional tools to help navigate the experiences LGBTQIA+ students may face at Villanova, and how to be an ally/accomplice to the queer community.
Students who take Safe Zone workshops will receive certificates of completion showing that they have received training marked with the year it was taken that they are welcome to display. Allyship and educating oneself is a lifelong commitment, and students are expected to continue their education with Safe Zone through additional training and educating themselves on their own outside of these workshops.
Registration Details
After filling out the registration form, you will receive a reminder email a few days prior to your registered training session.
Contact Carly Pais, Program Specialist for the Office of Belonging and Inclusion, with any questions or concerns.
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (ODEI)
The Office of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (ODEI) is committed to cultivating an academic environment that is marked by genuine curiosity about different perspectives, ardent receptivity to knowledge generated through intercultural connections, and a genuine sensitivity to the variety of human experiences.
Contact: Dr. Terry Nance, Vice President for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, 610-519-5719
Office of Belonging and Inclusion (OBI)
The Office of Belonging and Inclusion creates and supports programming that fosters a community of respect and inclusion with a special focus on underrepresented students.
Contact: Dr. Eloise Berry, Director, Office of Belonging and Inclusion, 610-519-6633; or Carly Pais, Program Specialist, 610-519-6634. Carly supports the LGBTQIA+ undergraduate training groups and oversees the development of Safe Zone training. Her office is in Corr Hall 108 (stop by and say hi!).
The Dr. Terry Nance Center for Dialogue
Center for Dialogue is an educational experience about issues of social justice and teaches students, faculty, and staff to create meaningful relationships and dialogue among people from different sexual, social, economic, racial, and ethnic groups.
Public Safety
The Department of Public Safety is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
Contact: Emergency: 610-519-4444
Non-Emergency: 610-519-6979
Title IX investigator: 610-519-6378
Title IX Coordinator
The Title IX Coordinator works with the Villanova community and Sexual Assault Resource Coordinator (SARC) team on education and training to help prevent incidents of discrimination.
Contact: Ryan Rost, Title IX Coordinator, 610-519-8805
Dean of Students
The Dean of Students Office is committed to supporting and assisting students in their overall development and as members of the greater Villanova community.
Contact: Tom DeMarco, Dean of Students, 610-519-4200
Residence Life
Resident Assistants are on duty in the evening and overnight hours and serve as valuable resources for students in resident halls.
Contact:, 610-519-4152
Counseling Center
Counseling Center services are free of charge to current students. Call for an appointment between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m., Monday through Friday.
Contact: 610-519-4050
Student Health Center
The Student Health Center is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
Contact: 610-519-4070
Campus Ministry
Campus Ministry stands united against any targeting of people based on perceptions about identity or beliefs.
Contact: John P. Edwards, Director for Center for Pastoral Ministry Education, 610-519-3507; or Fr. Joe Calderone, OSA, staff advisor to OASIS, 610-519-7477
Anonymous Crime Reporting at VU
Anonymous Crime Reporting allows individuals to report any type of criminal activity occurring on campus. All reports are responded to by a Public Safety Officer or other University official.
EthicsPoint is an anonymous reporting tool for wrongdoing on campus and is available online or via phone. Contact 855-236-1443.
LGBTQ+ Support Group
A therapist-led group that will provide a confidential, supportive, and affirming environment where LGBTQ+ students can connect with one another, share their common experiences and challenges, and explore emotions related to their experiences. Contact Dr. Victoria Ostroff or call the Counseling Center at (610) 519-4050.
NATS (Nonbinary And Transgender Students) is a supportive community designed to help trans, nonbinary, and other gender-diverse students connect on campus through biweekly social meetings and more. Contact
Nova Safe
Nova Safe is a free smartphone app designed to help the Department of Public Safety respond quickly to emergency situations.
QTPOC is a group dedicated to giving queer people of color a community on campus where they can connect with other of similar identities and experiences. Contact Carly Pais at 610-519-6634.
The Sexual Assault Resource Coordinator (SARC) team is a group of Villanova staff and faculty members who have completed extensive training on how to support survivors of sexual violence at Villanova. SARC team members are available Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. at 484-343-6028.
VU Pride and OASIS
VU Pride and OASIS are LGBTQ+ ally groups on campus where all are welcome. OASIS is a confidential group for the LBGTQ+ student community. Contact or
Delaware County Victim Assistance Center
Phone: 610-566-4342
Uwill Crisis Phone Line
Phone: 833-646-1526
The Attic Youth Center
255 South 16th Street
Philadelphia, Pa. 19102
Provides opportunities for LGBTQ+ youth to develop into healthy, independent, civic-minded adults within a safe and supportive community.
Mazzoni Center
1348 Bainbridge Street
Philadelphia, Pa. 19147
Provides comprehensive health and wellness services in an LGBTQIA+-focused environment.
Institute for Welcoming Resources
Provides resources to facilitate a paradigm shift in multiple denominations whereby churches become welcoming and affirming of all congregants regardless of sexual orientation and gender identity.
New Ways Ministry
Educates and advocates for justice and equality for LGBTQ Catholics and reconciliation within the larger church and civil communities.
The first and largest organization for LGBTQ+ people, their parents, families, and allies.
The Trevor Project
Provides confidential support for LGBTQ+ youth in crisis. Available 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
William Way LGBTQIA+ Community Center
1315 Spruce Street
Philadelphia, Pa. 19107
Encourages, supports, and advocates for the well-being and acceptance of sexual and gender minorities in the Greater Philadelphia region through service, recreational, educational, and cultural programming.
Inner body is a resource that aims to “provide objective, science-based information and advice that helps you make health-related decisions and enjoy a healthier, happier lifestyle.” They offer resources ranging from telehealth, therapy, testing, spaces of online community and education for users.
Below is a list of inclusive restrooms which any person is welcome to use. These restrooms can benefit many different people, including parents with children, people who may require the accompaniment of a caregiver of a different gender, trans and gender-nonconforming people, or people who simply would prefer additional privacy.
Building, Location and Accessibility
Bartley Hall
Third floor, near Room 3027
Accessibility: Yes
Charles Widger School of Law
Ground floor near the cafeteria
Accessibility: Yes
Driscoll Hall
First floor in the hallway between 132 and 134
Second floor by elevator
Accessibility: Yes
The Court at Donahue Hall (SPIT)
Two bathrooms at the entrance facing Good Counsel Hall
Dougherty Hall
Second floor at the end of the hallway, across from Room 202
Accessibility: Yes
Falvey Library
First floor near Holy Grounds
Accessibility: Yes
Garey Hall
Second floor (two restrooms)
Accessibility: No
Health Services Building (HSB)
Two restrooms located on each floor
Accessibility: Yes
Jake Nevin
Second floor
Accessibility: Yes
John and Joan Mullen Center for the Performing Arts
First floor
One in the front of house and one in the back of house
All-gender bathrooms in all dressing rooms for performers
John Barry Hall
First and Second floors
Accessibility: No
Kennedy Hall
First floor (two restrooms)
Accessibility: No
Middleton Hall
First, second and third floors
Accessibility: No
Old Falvey
Third floor
Accessibility: No
St. Augustine Center for the Liberal Arts (SAC)
Basement across from the lounge (two restrooms)
Accessibility: Yes
St. Rita's Hall
Floors one through three
Accessibility: Yes
St. Thomas of Villanova Church
One bathroom at the entrance to the church (on the far left side, coming into the church)
Behind the altar, up the ramp and adjacent to the Augustinian Vocation Office
Accessibility: Yes
Structures Lab
Main floor (two restrooms)
Accessibility: Yes
Talley Center
Two bathrooms at the entrance
Accessibility: Yes
Technology Services Building (TSB)
First and second floors
Accessibility: Yes
Tolentine Hall
First, second and third floors
Accessibility: Yes
White Hall
Third floor by the elevator
Residence Halls
- Caughlin: Two gender neutral bathrooms (only sink and toilet) in lobby
- McGuire: Two gender neutral bathrooms (only sink and toilet) in lobby
- St. Katharine: Two gender neutral bathrooms (only sink and toilet) in lobby
- St. Monica: Two gender neutral bathrooms (only sink and toilet) in lobby
- Stanford: One gender neutral bathrooms (only sink and toilet) on 1st floor near AC Office
- Sullivan: One gender neutral bathrooms (only sink and toilet) in basement near AC office.
- St. Mary’s: One gender neutral bathroom on 1st floor in non-residential space (only sink and toilet)
- McGuinn: One gender neutral bathroom (only sink and toilet) in lobby
- Trinity: One gender neutral bathroom (only sink and toilet) in lobby
- Canon: One gender neutral bathroom (only sink and toilet) in lobby
- Dobbin: One gender neutral bathroom (only sink and toilet) in lobby
- Hovnanian: One gender neutral bathroom (only sink and toilet) in lobby
- Friar: One gender neutral bathroom (only sink and toilet) in lobby
- All West Campus buildings (8): One gender neutral bathroom (only sink and toilet) in lobby
Buildings with No Gender Inclusive Bathrooms
Mendel Hall
It is the practice of Villanova University that any student, faculty or staff may choose to be identified within the University community with a chosen first name that may differ from the individual's legal first name. Read how to do so here.
Scholarships for LGBTQIA+ Students
Gender and Sexuality Information
Victory Empowerment Fellowship & Internship Scholarship
The Victory Empowerment Fellowship consists of two programs provided by the Victory Institute: the Candidate & Campaign Training and the International LGBTQ Leadership Conference and a year-long mentorship program.
The fellowship covers flight, hotel, and registration for Victory's Candidate and Campaign Training and International LGBT Leadership Conference, and includes a mentorship program.
Applications for the Victory Empowerment Fellowship will officially open in November.
Victory Institute's Victory Congressional Internship
The Victory Institute's Victory Congressional Internship and Victory Congressional Fellowship are developing the next generation of out public leaders. Each summer, the Victory Congressional Internship brings outstanding LGBTQ college students to Washington, D.C., for an intensive leadership program, including:
- An eight-week Congressional internship with a member of the LGBTQ Equality Caucus or an LGBTQ-friendly member of U.S. Congress to learn firsthand about the federal legislative process; and
- An educational and leadership development program to learn about the legislative process and careers in policy-making.
Sign up to receive information for next year's scholarship program.
International LGBTQ Leaders Conference
Every December, more than 500 LGBTQ elected officials, leaders, and advocates from across the world come together for the International LGBTQ Leaders Conference in Washington, DC. The conference includes three days of networking and skills-building as we strategize the year ahead in our movement for equality.
Last year’s speakers included U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin, U.S. Senator Cory Booker, Congresswoman Maxine Waters, and Virginia Delegate Danica Roem, and dozens of others.
Feel free to reach out to Mario Enríquez, Director of Domestic Programs, with any questions: