The Office of Financial Assistance is dedicated to assisting students and families with their questions and concerns surrounding the financial aid process.
If you have a general question or inquiry, you are invited to contact our office by email at, phone at 610-519-4010, or via our Live Chat feature at the bottom of your screen.
You may also use our appointment request form to schedule an appointment with a financial aid counselor.
The Office of Financial Assistance experiences a high volume of calls and emails. Our response times can be 1-3 business days but may vary depending upon the complexity of your inquiry and time of the year.
To ensure the receipt of recent document submissions, please monitor your Financial Aid Checklist via your Applicant Status Page (if a prospective student) or Financial Aid Requirements via your MyNova Portal (for current students).
It will take 2-3 business days from when the documents are submitted for your student portal to be updated. In addition, please allow 10-14 business days from the date of receipt for the documentation to be reviewed by a counselor.
Meet our staff and review their primary responsibilities Counselors are assigned to a section of the student population based on the first letter of a student's last name or their program.
Amanda Constable
Director of Financial Assistance
Rita V. Goslin
Title: Senior Associate Director of Financial Assistance
Primary Responsibilities: Undergraduate File Review S-T, Web and Publication Updates, and Third-Party Scholarships
Marykay Klara
Senior Associate Director of Financial Assistance
Primary Responsibilities: Undergraduate File Review G-I, Endowed Scholarships, Athletic Scholarships
Margaret Moyer
Senior Associate Director of Operations
Primary Responsibilities: Undergraduate File Review A-C, Management of all Federal & Private Loans
Nathan Walch
Associate Director of Financial Assistance
Primary Responsibilities: Graduate Programs, College of Professional Studies Programs, BSN-Express and RN-BSN Programs, Online Graduate and Undergraduate Programs, and International Students
Ashley Frisbie
Senior Assistant Director of Financial Assistance
Primary Responsibilities: Undergraduate File Review J-L, Federal Pell, Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grants (FSEOG), Return of Title IV, Tuition Exchange, and Coordinate renewal of all University-Sponsored Academic Scholarships
James Austerberry
Assistant Director of Financial Assistance
Primary Responsibilities: Undergraduate File Review M-O, PA State Grant, Non-PA State Grants, PA Special Programs, Liason to Center for Access, Success & Achievement (CASA) and Yellow Ribbon Program
Alycia DiNardo
Assistant Director of Financial Assistance
Primary Responsibilities: Undergraduate File Review D-F, Graduate and College of Professional Studies Programs
Samantha Mandery
Assistant Director of Financial Assistance
Primary Responsibilities: Undergraduate File Review U-Z, Federal Direct Loan Programs (Unsubsidized/Subsidized and Parent PLUS/Graduate PLUS)
Morgan Dawson
Assistant Director of Financial Assistance
Primary Responsibilities: Undergraduate File Review P-R; PA State Grants, Non-PA State Grants, and PA Special Programs; and refund approvals from 3rd party scholarships
Rebecca Mongeluzi
Assistant to the Director
Katherine Shimkus
Financial Aid Assistant
Primary Responsibilities: Federal Perkins & Nursing Loans, Nurse Faculty Loans, Alternative Loans
Ann Lucas
Student Service Representative
Primary Responsibilities: Front Desk, Study Abroad
Erin Coffman
Student Service Representative
Primary Responsibilities: Front Desk
Information Processor
Primary Responsibilities: Student Data & File Management
Christina Bozzano
Technical Coordinator
Primary Responsibilities: Student Data & File Management
Michelle McLaughlin
Scholarship Assistant
Primary Responsibilities: Endowed Scholarships
Stephen Magliocco
Director of Technology Services for Financial Assistance
Primary Responsibilities: Technical Support, Statistical Inquiries