421 St. Augustine Center
Villanova University
Villanova, PA 19085
Email: jsames@villanova.edu
Phone: (610) 519-4791
Occasional Paper Series
The Journal of South Asian and Middle Eastern Studies, published from Villanova University, is pleased to announce a new Occasional Paper Series to encourage original research studies on the Middle East or South Asia that may be too long for a journal article and too short for a book.
Scholars, analysts, journalists, and other public affairs professionals are welcome to submit texts for consideration for publication, which will be in pdf format online.
Texts must be in English. Manuscripts should be 25000 to 35000 words. Longer manuscripts will be considered only in exceptional circumstances.
For more details please refer to the journal submission guidelines.
Along with the text, those interested should submit an abstract (200 words) and a short bio (400 words maximum) to jsames@villanova.edu.