The Historiography of Terrorism in Jordan: A Time-Series Analysis
Saud Al-Sharafat
Current Issue
Table of Contents Winter 2024, Volume 47.3
Article One:
Article Two:
Female Students’ Role in University Violence in Jordan: An Anthropological Study
Heyam Alkhatib and Abdulla Al-Shorman
Article Three:
Moving Money: Syrian Refugees Surviving Displacement in Jordan
Sarah A. Tobin
Article Four:
Arab Challenges to Jordan’s Custodianship of Holy Sites in Jerusalem
Michael Sharnoff
Book Reviews:
Palestine: Matters of Truth and Justice
by Azmi Bishara
Reviewed by Farid Al-Salim
Saud Al-Sharafat is a Brigadier-General (Ret.) from Jordanian General Intelligence Directorate (GID). Member of the National Policy Council, (NPC), Jordan, 2012-2015. The founder and director of the Shorufat Center for Globalization and Terrorism Studies, Amman. His research focuses on globalization, terrorism, intelligence analysis, securitization, and Jordanian affairs. Among his publications are Haris al-nahir: istoriography al-irhab fi al-Urdunn khelall 1921-2020 [Arabic] [The River Guardian: The Historiography of Terrorism in Jordan during 1921-2021] (Jordan: Ministry of Culture, 2021); “Jordan,” in The Handbook of Terrorism in the Middle East, Insurgency and Terrorism Series, ed. Rohan Gunaratna (World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd, August 2022), 47-63,; and “The Securitization of the Coronavirus Crisis in Jordan” in the COVID-19 in South, West, and Southeast Asia: Risk and Response in the Early Phase, eds. Mohd Mizan Aslam, Rohan Gunaratna, 1st ed. (London: Routledge, 2022), Al-Sharafat obtained a Ph.D. in political science from Alhuraa University, Den Haag, Netherlands,
Eng. Heyam Al-Khatib is the Accreditation and Quality Assurance Officer as well as a researcher at the Princess Basma Center for Women’s Studies at Yarmouk University in Jordan.
Prof. Abdulla Al-Shorman, a bioarchaeologist and a civil engineer, is a faculty member at the Department of Anthropology at Yarmouk University in Jordan.
Dr. Sarah A. Tobin is Research Director and Research Professor, Chr. Michelsen Institute – Bergen, Norway. She is an anthropologist focusing on Islam, economic anthropology, and displacement/migration in the Middle East and East Africa. Her work explores transformations in religious and economic life, identity construction, and personal piety. She also examines the intersections of gender, Islamic authority and normative Islam, public ethics, and Islamic authenticity. Ethnographically, she focuses on Islamic piety in the economy, especially Islamic Banking and Finance. Her monograph, Everyday Piety: Islam and Economy in Jordan and her co-authored book, The Politics of the Headscarf in the United States were published by Cornell University Press. She has over a dozen peer-reviewed articles that have been published in Ethnic and Migration Studies, Politics and Religion, Journal of Religious Ethics, among others.
Dr. Michael Sharnoff is Associate Professor at the Near East South Asia Center for Strategic Studies at the National Defense University in Washington, D.C. He publishes frequently on the Middle East and his articles have appeared in popular domestic and international media outlets. He holds a Ph.D. in Middle East Studies from King’s College, London, and is the author of Nasser’s Peace: Egypt’s Response to the 1967 War with Israel (Routledge, 2017).
Dr. Farid Al-Salim is Professor of Middle Eastern Studies at The American University in Dubai, UAE. He specializes in the contemporary history and politics of the Middle East and the wider Islamic world. He is the author of Palestine and the Decline of the Ottoman Empire: Modernization and the Path to Palestinian Statehood (Bloomsbury Publishing, 2015). He has conducted extensive primary research in Palestine and has held Fulbright, PARK, and ACOR fellowships in Jordan, Lebanon, the United Kingdom, Palestine, and Turkey.