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Face-to-Face Teaching

Under the Copyright Act, instructors are permitted to perform or display copyrighted materials during a face-to-face classroom activity. This exception does not permit instructors to distribute or copy copyrighted materials, only to perform or display. In addition, the Agreement on Guidelines for Classroom Copying in Not for Profit Educational Institutions with respect to Books and Periodicals (a copy of which may be found beginning on page 7 of Circular 21, "Reproduction of Copyrighted Works by Educators and Librarians" published by the United States Copyright Office permits limited copying without permission for use in the classroom.

Distance Learning and the TEACH Act

In 2002, Congress passed the Teaching, Education, And Copyright Harmonization Act (“TEACH Act”). The TEACH Act expanded higher education’s ability to perform and display copyrighted works in digital online instruction. As an amendment to copyright law, the TEACH Act allows educators to transmit copyrighted works without permission from the copyright holder, provided certain conditions are met. The TEACH Act creates a safe harbor for institutions. Individual instructors who commit copyright infringement remain liable under the TEACH Act.


Training Materials

* teach_act_handout.pdf
Teach Act Handout
* copyright_and_teachact.ppt
Copyright and the Teach Act


Filing a Course Pack

Undergraduate & Graduate (non-Law School)
Vince Perkins, Assistant Director for Information Products & Services, University Shop
(610) 519-5019

Law School
Amy Spare, (she/her) Associate Director for Law Library Services & Legal Research Instructor, (610) 519-7188,

Information on Course Reserves

Falvey Library regularly assists faculty members in placing print copies of copyrighted documents on reserve in the library and placing electronic copies of copyrighted documents on reserve on the instructor's WebCT course. In addition to copyright issues related to library reserve items, there may also be copyright compliance issues pertinent to copying or digital conversion of materials in the collection for research or instructional purposes. For information on library-related copyright issues, you can consult with Nancy Foasberg (610) 519-5075. Advice provided by the library in these areas is limited to questions of policy and does not constitute legal advice.

Villanova Law School Library supports law faculty teaching by assisting with identifying course materials, providing links for Blackboard and obtaining permissions for print course packets. Faculty are responsible for selecting materials and making fair use determinations consistent with University policy. Please contact Liaison Law Librarian or  or for assistance.

For technical questions regarding posting on Blackboard/WebCT Vista, contact the Help Desk at (610) 519-7777.