Graduate Students Awarded Scholarships through American Water Resources Association
PhD candidate Richard Ampomah; master’s student James Kugel; Dr. Erica McKenzie, assistant professor, Temple University; and PhD candidate Hossein Hosseiny
Three Villanova University students in the Water Resources and Environmental Engineering graduate program were recently awarded $500 scholarships through the Philadelphia Metropolitan Area Section of the American Water Resources Association. The scholarships were awarded for research posters they presented during the organization’s monthly meetings.
Villanova’s recipients are:
PhD candidate Richard Ampomah for “Impact of Morphology on GSI Infiltration”
Master’s degree student James Kugel for “Using Temperature to Evaluate Brown Trout Survivability in Impacted Headwater Streams”
PhD candidate Hossein Hosseiny and Richard Ampomah for “Unraveling Flood Inundation and Morphodynamics in the Backwater: A Case Study of Darby Creek, PA”
Abstracts for each research can be found on the AWRA-PMAS website.