American Council for the Study of Islamic Societies
The American Council for the Study of Islamic Societies is a private, non-profit, non-political organization of scholars and other persons interested in the study of Muslim societies throughout the world. Its purpose is to offer opportunities to scholars and the public to study Muslim societies from religious, cultural, economic, social, and political perspectives. Its objectives are to promote high standards of scholarship and instruction, to facilitate communication among scholars and the public through conferences and publications, and to promote cooperation among persons and organizations, both in the United States and abroad, concerned with the scholarly study of the Muslim world.
Membership dues are $35. Membership includes a subscription to the Journal of South Asian and Middle Eastern Studies. You may sign up for membership online or by mail. If subscribing by mail, please send a check, made out to ACSIS/Villanova University, to: Nadia Barsoum, ACSIS, 421 St. Augustine Center, Villanova University, Villanova, PA 19085.
2021 Conference
"The influence of Islam in politics and society: civic engagement, social inclusion and political participation”.