NSF Funds New Core Genomics Laboratory in Biotechnology
The National Science Foundation, through its Major Research Instrumentation (MRI) program will fund the analytical infrastructure of a new Core Genomics Laboratory for Teaching and Research in Biotechnology.
The award of $211,000 will be used to purchase advanced equipment which will allow researchers to incorporate modern genomics level experimental protocols into their current and future research and teaching activities in environmental microbiology, bioprocessing, mechanotransduction, and microstructured optical fiber spectroscopy-based biological sensors.
In speaking of the impact of the grant, Dr. Metin Duran of the Civil and Environmental Engineering department said, “This new laboratory will open the field of advanced genomics research to our undergraduate and graduate students and it will create extraordinary opportunities for our students to learn how biological systems operate on genomic level.”
Because of the interdisciplinary nature of the teaching and research opportunities in biotechnology, the Core Genomics Laboratory will be used by all four departments in the College of Engineering, as well as the Biology and Chemistry departments in the College of Arts and Science.
Dr. Gary Gabriele, Dean of the College of Engineering, said, “This grant from NSF provides a major endorsement of the research capabilities of the College and the impressive track record of our faculty and students. The new Core Genomics Laboratory builds on earlier investments in scholarly activity and will be critical in supporting research projects that will allow our faculty and students to seek answers to major challenges in biotechnology.”