Discovery Channel Shoots Program in the College of Engineering
The Discovery Channel filmed an episode of their new series Weapons Masters in the Department of Mechanical Engineering wind tunnel in early November. Weapons Masters is an hour-long show which investigates both the technology and the history of ancient weapons. This episode focused an ancient Indian weapon known as a chakram – a throwing weapon resembling a steel ring. The production team from the Discovery Channel contacted Villanova through one of the Department’s Industrial Advisory Board members who recommended Villanova’s expert faculty and facilities. A team of faculty and students lead by Dr. Amy Fleischer and Dr. Al Ortega designed experiments to provide flow visualization over a spinning chakram as well as to quantify its lift and drag characteristics. The aerodynamics of the chakram were then compared to those of more modern flying discs. Dr. Amy Fleischer provided expert commentary for the program and is expected to be featured prominently when the episode airs in February.