Villanova-Sponsored Robotics Teams Go to National Competition
Six of the 20 middle and high school robotics teams that were hosted by Villanova during the kick-off of the region’s BEST Robotics competition on September 17 will be competing in the national competition on December 7 in Auburn, Alabama. The six regional winning teams consist of five from the School District of Philadelphia – Overbrook, Central, Baldi, Swenson, and Dobbins – as well as one school from New Jersey – Williamstown. Three of these teams – Central, Overbrook, and Dobbins have been mentored by Villanova College of Engineering students as part of their Service Learning Community activities. This is the largest number of area students who have gone onto the national competition since it began in the region.
Subsequent to the September kick-off, the various robotics clubs constructed Mars rovers using the same guidelines and materials as every competing team from across the country. The regional competition was held on October 27, at the High School of the Future, in Philadelphia. For more information about the contest and BEST Robotics, please visit the Best Robotics, Inc. web site.