Here are just some of the benefits:
Past Presidents
1941 - 42: Gilbert Macbeth, English
1942 - 43: William H. McHugh, Education
1943 - 46: Gilbert Macbeth, English
1946 - 48: Edward Haenisch, Chemistry
1948 - 51: William C. A. Henry, Business Law
1951 - 53: Miles Potter, Civil Engineering
1955 - 57: Vito di Vincenzo, Modern Languages
1957 - 59: Jerome Fischer, English
1959 - 60: Cyrus J. Sharer, Geography
1960 - 62: John G. Stephenson, Law
1962 - 63: Henry Cushing, English
1963 - 65: Donald Dowd, Law
1965 - 67: Bernard F. Reilly, History
1967 - 68: Joseph P. McGowan, English
1968 - 70: Robert W. Langran, Political Science
1970 - 72: James M. Bergquist, History
1972 - 73: Charles Helmetag, Modern Languages
1973 - 74: Mara H. Schwenk, Nursing
1974 - 75: Rodger Van Allen, Religious Studies
1975 - 76: Michael Levitan, Mathematical Sciences
1976 - 78: Priscilla G. Hopkirk, Political Science
1978 - 79: Michael Levitan, Mathematical Sciences
1979 - 81: James M. Bergquist, History
1981 - 82: Rodger Van Allen, Religious Studies
1982 - 84: Joseph Betz, Philosophy
1984 - 86: Sterling F. Delano, English
1986 - 89: Edwin L. Goff, Philosophy
1989 - 90: Mary Ziemer, Nursing
1990 - 91: Rodger Van Allen, Religious Studies
1991 - 92: Mary Ziemer, Nursing
1992 - 95: Michael Hones, Physics
1996 - 00: Harry Strack, Political Science
2000 - 03: Lowell Gustafson, Political Science
2009-2024 Michael Levitan, Mathematics and Statistics