Mark C. Alexander
The Arthur J. Kania Dean and Professor of Law
Mark C. Alexander, JD is the Arthur J. Kania Dean and Professor of Law at the Villanova University Charles Widger School of Law. As the chief administrator and chairperson of the faculty, Alexander is responsible for all facets of the Law School, including its long-term strategic and academic planning, curricular initiatives, faculty research and teaching support, student services and fundraising and alumni relations. In 2023, Alexander served as president of the Association of American Law Schools.
Alexander previously served as Associate Dean for Academics at Seton Hall University’s School of Law. His responsibilities included oversight of the curriculum’s academic components, collaboration with the faculty and administration on implementation of the School’s strategic plan, and management of the career, enrollment and student services offices. A member of Seton Hall’s Law School faculty for two decades, he was honored as Professor of the Year on numerous occasions.
Alexander’s areas of expertise include constitution law, election law, the First Amendment and criminal procedure. His research interests focus on the constitutional dimensions of election law and campaign reform. Alexander has authored several books on the First Amendment and constitutional law, and his scholarship has been published in leading journals such as Harvard Journal of Law & Public Policy, Stanford Law & Policy Review and NYU Review of Law & Social Change.
Regularly interviewed by national print and broadcast media, Alexander is a sought-after speaker and panelist for national and international law symposiums and academic forums. He possesses significant international experience, having spent a year in Spain teaching American law and politics on a Fulbright Scholarship, as well as teaching in the Seton Hall Law-in-Italy program. He is also a fellow of the U.S.-Japan Leadership Program. Alexander served on the J. William Fulbright Foreign Scholarship Board from 2010 to 2014, having been appointed by President Barack Obama.
In addition to his leadership in academia, Alexander has also served as an adviser and issues director for several high-profile political campaigns. Prior to joining the Seton Hall Law School faculty in 1996, he clerked for Chief Judge Thelton Henderson of the United States District Court for the Northern District of California and was a litigator with Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher in San Francisco. Alexander earned a Juris Doctor from Yale University Law School and a Bachelor of Arts in Architecture from Yale University.
Practice Experience
- Judicial Clerk for Chief Judge Thelton Henderson of the United States District Court for the Northern District of California
- Litigator with Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher in San Francisco
- A Short and Happy Guide to The First Amendment, with Robert C. Power, West Academic Publishing, 2022.
- Beyond Imagination? The January 6 Insurrection, Alexander, et al., West Academic Publishing, 2021.
- A Short and Happy Guide to Constitutional Law, 2nd Ed., West Academic Publishing, 2019.
- Moderator, Villanova on the Hill: Building Bridges, a discussion with former White House Chiefs of Staff Mack McLarty and Joshua Bolten. (October 2023)
- Panelist, The State of Civil Discourse in America and the Legal Profession, AALS/Baylor University Power of Speech Leadership Symposium. (September 2023)
- Moderator and Organizer, Building Bridges Discussion Series, a discussion with Former Senators Russ Feingold and Kelly Ayotte. (April 2023)
- Keynote speech, Defending Democracy, Association of American Law Schools Annual Meeting - House of Representatives. (January 2023)

Office: 376, John F. Scarpa Hall
Phone: 610-519-7008
Fax: 610-519-6472
Additional Contact Information
Charissa Wilson
Executive Assistant to Dean Mark C. Alexander
- Yale University Law School, JD
- Yale University, BA