Caitlin Barry
Professor of Law
Co-Director, Community Interpreter Internship Program
Director, Farmworker Legal Aid Clinic
Caitlin Barry is a community lawyer whose work focuses on racial, economic and gender justice for immigrant workers. Caitlin directs the Farmworker Legal Aid Clinic, where she teaches the clinic seminar and supervises student advocates working on a range of civil litigation cases for farmworkers and their families, as well as advocacy projects with community partners. Under Barry's supervision, the Farmworker Clinic provides legal support for grassroots organizations addressing issues including immigrant detention and carceral immigration enforcement, access to driver licenses, surveillance technologies and exploitative working conditions.
Barry joined the Villanova faculty in 2012 as a Reuschlein Clinical Teaching Fellow and became the Director of the Farmworker Clinic in 2015. She has served on the board of the Society of American Law Teachers and as the co-President of the Clinical Legal Education Association.
Prior to her clinical teaching, Barry served as a staff attorney at Nationalities Service Center, specializing in deportation defense for individuals targeted by the criminal system, and from 2007 to 2012 she was also the Immigration Specialist at the Defender Association of Philadelphia, a position she created with a 2007 post-graduate fellowship from the Berkeley Law Foundation. While at NSC, she supervised the Temple Immigration Law Clinic as an adjunct professor. She is a graduate of the New College of Florida and Temple Law, where she was awarded the Beth Cross Memorial Award for Public Interest Service and the Leonard Sigal Memorial Award for Academic Excellence in Criminal Law.
Practice Experience
- Staff attorney, NSC
- Immigration Specialist, Defender Association of Philadelphia
Recent Publications
ICE Conduct in Pennsylvania , Research Report, 2024
Movement lawyering to empower leadership from subordinated communities: Examples of alternative visions of our conceptions of justice, Article, Journal of Leadership Studies, June 2023
The Road to Sanctuary: Building Power and Community in Philadelphia, Book, Lexington Books/Fortress Academic, October (4th Quarter/Autumn) 2022
The Diversity Imperative Revisited: Racial and Gender Inclusion in Clinical Law Faculty, Article, New York University, October (4th Quarter/Autumn) 2019
The Right to Remain in Safety: The Impact of Community Leadership on Philadelphia's ICE Holds Policy, Article, U. St. Thomas L. J.2017
Recent Presentations
'Cause and Movement Lawyering CLE', Community Lawyering with Pennsylvania Farmworkers, Washington State Bar Association , Virtual. November 2022
'Society of American Law Teachers Teaching Conference', Teaching Resistance through Clinical Programs, Society of American Law Teachers , Loyola University Chicago School of Law. October 2022
'2022 SALT Teaching Conference, Rest & Resistance, Preserving our Democracy While Protecting Our Peace', Rest and Resistance: Community Lawyering Approach in Clinical Legal Education, SALT/Loyola Law, Chicago. October 2022
'AALS Clinical Conference', Building an Antiracist Clinical Program with Freedom Pedagogy, AALS, Virtual. May 2022
'LatCrit Biannual Meeting', Law Clinics as Sites of Resistance and Transformation, LatCrit, Virtual. October 2021

Office: Rm 126, John F. Scarpa Hall
Phone: 610-519-3216
Fax: 610-519-6249
Courses and Seminars
- Farmworker Legal Aid Clinic
- Race and the Law
- Temple University Beasley School of Law, JD, 2007
- New College of Florida, BA, 2001