Bar exam loans are offered by some educational loan lenders. These loans are designed to assist graduating law students in their efforts to finance bar exam-related expenses. Because these loans are not considered part of your academic year financial aid, the loan will need to be certified by the Office of Financial Aid in order to verify that you are a third year law student and expected to graduate. Only one bar loan application will be certified per student. Below is a chart of some educational lenders that offer bar exam loans. 

Wells Fargo requires you to have a prior banking or borrowing relationship while PNC, Discover, and Sallie Mae do not. Your loan application will be approved, by the lender, according to your creditworthiness. If approved, a loan check will be mailed directly from the lender to you at the address listed on your application.

Because these loans are not regulated by the government, we hope that you thoroughly review the terms of each lender before applying for the bar exam loan. Understanding the terms of each lender will help you make an informed decision before submitting your application.


Villanova University Charles Widger
School of Law
299 N. Spring Mill Rd.
Villanova, PA 19085
610-519-7000   Contact Law

Villanova University Charles Widger School of Law is approved by the Council of the Section of Legal Education and Admissions to the Bar of the American Bar Association, 321 North Clark Street, Chicago, IL 60654, (312) 988-6738