Innovative Evidenced-Based Public Health Projects
Innovative Evidence-based Public Health Project is supported by the Center for Global & Public Health and supports the Mission of the M. Louise Fitzpatrick College of Nursing. These projects address current public health needs and/or promote public health nursing education with locally, state-wide, nationally or globally. Fitzpatrick College of Nursing students and faculty have participated in these projects.
Past Innovative Evidenced-Based Public Health Projects
COVID-19 Educational Outreach Grant
Deadline: September 21, 2020; 5 pm ET
The Center for Global and Public Health is offering a grant for any Villanova student, faculty or staff member to create an engaging, creative and educational message related to COVID-19 risk reduction for the Villanova Community. The Center is interested in the development of an effective, appealing and captivating message about COVID-19 that can help and serve the University in reducing the risk of COVID-19. The message can be in the form of signage, brochures, YouTube videos, jingles, apps or social media outreach.
Details: Innovative Evidence-Based COVID-19 Educational Outreach Grant
For more information, contact:
Catherine R. Curley, PhD, RN
Interim Director, Center for Global and Public Health and Clinical Assistant Professor of Nursing
M. Louise Fitzpatrick College of Nursing, Villanova University
800 Lancaster Avenue, Room 388
Villanova, PA 19085