Add/Drop/Withdrawal Forms

This form should be used to drop/add a course prior to its start date, not if you are withdrawing from a course after it has already begun.

This form should be used to drop/add a course prior to its start date, not if you are withdrawing from a course after it has already begun.

Students must petition the College for a withdrawal from a course if there are extenuating circumstances (i.e. deployment, extreme medical emergencies, natural disasters, etc.) by completing this withdrawal form and providing supporting documentation. Non-attendance does not constitute withdrawal from a course.

Scholarship Forms

Villanova is pleased to offer a limited number of VIISTA scholarships to Department of Justice-sponsored students.

Other Forms

This form should be used for students who desire to change programs. Students utilizing VA benefits should also use the VA 1995 form.

Students must submit a request for recertification within 12 months of the certification expiration by selecting one of three recertification pathways and providing supporting documentation.

Non-Credit Student Transcripts are delivered either through electronic delivery and traditional postal delivery for online and on-campus non-credit certificate students.


The College of Professional Studies at Villanova University awards certifications in select fields to individuals who demonstrate superior knowledge and skills in these areas. Certifications can be an important differentiator for an individual during the hiring process and for internal career advancement opportunities.