Master industry tools to market products or services across key digital channels such as search engine marketing, social media, and CRM. Learn tactics like paid advertising and SEO to optimize marketing budgets and maximize ROI, while designing multi-channel CRM campaigns to nurture leads and improve retention.
This course requires a textbook at an additional cost. Students may order through the Villanova Bookstore.
Compare Enrollment Options
- Complete Principles and Practice concurrently in 6 weeks
- Unlock access to Career Management services, including one 60-minute personalized advising session
- A mix of asynchronous online coursework and assessments with weekly live virtual class sessions led by faculty
- Increased interaction between you, faculty and peer professionals during the course
- Earn a digital badge
- Complete Principles and Practice sequentially in 12 weeks
- Unlock access to Career Management services, including one 60-minute personalized advising session
- 6 weeks of asynchronous coursework and assessments followed by 6 weeks of live class sessions led by faculty
- Increased interaction between you, faculty and peer professionals in the course
- Earn a digital badge
- Complete Principles microcourse in 6 weeks
- 100% asynchronous
- Maximum flexibility with no live class sessions
- Faculty support and feedback throughout course
- 6.25 hours of work estimated per week
Next Start March 31 | Live Session Thursdays 8pm ET
$1,885.50 | 6 weeks | 12.5 hours per week
Price Reflects 10% Savings
Next Start March 3
$1,885.50 | 12 weeks | 6.25 hours per week
Price Reflects 10% Savings
Next Start March 3
$800 | 6 weeks | 6.25 hours per week
Digital Marketing Fundamentals is a part of the Digital Marketing Certificate program.

Our enrollment counselors are happy to answer any questions you have about our certificate programs.
Call 610-519-7655