Student Spotlight: Tracey Barnes '24

Against All Odds:
The Triumphant Journey of Tracey Barnes

Tracey Barnes in front of a Villanova University College of Professional Studies banner
Tracey Barnes at the CPS Evening of Recognition Celebration, May 2024

Tracey Barnes '24 is a living testament to the power of human resilience and the transformative impact of education. As a young mother facing overwhelming challenges, she defied expectations and forged a path to success. Her journey is a compelling narrative of determination, faith, and the importance of a supportive community.

At fourteen, Tracey’s life turned unexpectedly when she became a teenage mother. She faced formidable obstacles as a young mom and woman of color, navigating a world often stacked against her. Yet, she refused to be defined by her circumstances. She embraced the empowering words of Matthew's gospel: With man, this is impossible, but with God, all things are possible. This became her guiding light, moving her toward a brighter future for herself and her family.

Balancing adolescence and the challenge of motherhood was no easy task. Still, she persisted, taking the first step in her educational journey and completing high school. Later, she earned an associate’s degree from the Community College of Philadelphia (CCP), furthering her commitment to lifelong learning.

A pivotal moment arrived in 2021 when Tracey accepted a Cell Therapy Customer Logistics Specialist position at a major pharmaceutical company. The opportunity to take on a role traditionally reserved for individuals with higher education degrees powerfully validated Tracey's capabilities. For Tracey, it was a tangible manifestation of God's plan, a testament to the belief that even the most challenging circumstances can pave the way for extraordinary achievements.

Just a few years later, Tracey made a bold decision. Inspired by an advertisement on a SEPTA bus, she enrolled at Villanova University’s College of Professional Studies. Embarking on this new chapter as an undergraduate student was a leap of faith, but Tracey was determined to get her degree. Villanova’s credit transfer policy proved a game-changer, enabling Tracey to complete her bachelor's degree in general studies in just one year. This was the only institution where I wasn’t required to start from scratch,” Tracey explains. “The CPS faculty and staff deeply understood the unique challenges I faced as an adult learner. They were incredibly well-prepared to help me integrate everything necessary for my success.”

Undeniably, Tracey’s grit, determination, and strength were the foundational building blocks for her academic success. Yet, Tracey acknowledges the support of CPS faculty and staff and their pivotal role in her success. “At CPS, I received exceptional support from everyone who genuinely wanted to see me succeed. The faculty at Villanova went above and beyond, providing a level of dedication that made them feel like family to me.”

The College's commitment to student success became even more apparent when Tracey faced personal challenges that threatened to derail her academic pursuits. “I had a professor who recognized the challenges I was facing and proactively reached out to me, advising how they could adjust due dates to ensure that I could still dedicate time to my coursework while managing my personal situation,” says Tracey. That caring and supportive environment made a difficult time just a little bit less stressful. “The faculty’s investment in me as an individual was very instrumental in my success throughout the program and laying a strong foundation for my future success in my career and beyond,” Tracey remarks. “It’s evident that Villanova is committed to ensuring each student has a transformative experience.”

Beyond her academic pursuits, Tracey juggles multiple roles: full-time employee, mother, and grandmother. The flexibility offered by CPS was pivotal in allowing her to balance these ongoing responsibilities. The college’s advising staff provided unwavering support throughout her academic journey, including helping her navigate financial aid as an adult student. “Villanova worked with me and allowed me to continue my classes while the financial details of my tuition were resolved, preventing any disruption towards my graduation goals. They also assisted me in finding personal loans that worked for my circumstances. It was all such a blessing,” Tracey shares.

3 people on stage: From left: Christine Kelleher Palus, PhD, Dean, College of Professional Studies; Villanova University President Peter M. Donohue, OSA, PhD; Tracey Barnes.
From left: Christine Kelleher Palus, PhD, Dean, College of Professional Studies; Villanova University President Peter M. Donohue, OSA, PhD; Tracey Barnes, '24.

Reflecting on her experience, Tracey is unequivocal about choosing Villanova’s College of Professional Studies. The ability to transfer a significant number of credits from her previous institution (CCP) was a crucial factor. Upon enrolling in CPS, her biggest desire was to graduate within eighteen months, and Villanova’s transfer credit policy made that possible, keeping her graduation goals in sight.

What's next for Tracey? “Earning my bachelor's degree from Villanova opened the door to new career opportunities within my company. I was recently promoted to a new role as an Area Business Specialist for Hematology.”  As a lifelong learner, she’s already looking toward a graduate degree from Villanova and holding fast to her guiding belief that with man, this is impossible, but with God, all things are possible. She has taken the core values she’s learned at Villanova and integrated them into her personal and professional life. “When we know ourselves better, we work better and are more collective with one another.”


About Villanova University’s College of Professional Studies: Founded in 2014, the College of Professional Studies (CPS) provides academically rigorous yet flexible educational pathways to high-achieving adult learners who are balancing professional and educational aspirations with life’s commitments. The CPS experience embodies Villanova’s century-long commitment to making academic excellence accessible to students at all stages of life. Students in CPS programs engage with world-class Villanova faculty including scholars and practitioners, explore innovative educational technologies and experiences, and join an influential network of passionate alumni. In addition to its industry-leading programs at the nexus of theory and practice, CPS has built a reputation for its personal approach and supportive community that empowers adult students to enrich their lives, enhance their value in the workplace, and embark on new careers.

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