Security Awareness
At Villanova, we all share a responsibility for security. Cyber threats are constantly evolving and the Office of Information Security (OIS) is committed to equipping faculty, staff, and students with the knowledge and tools to recognize, prevent, and respond to these threats.
- Be Aware, Stay Secure: Through our Securitas-driven security awareness programs, we’re reducing human risk by educating our community on best practices, common threats, and how to stay safe online.
- Think Before You Click: Our phishing simulations and cybersecurity training help you recognize and respond to scams before they compromise your data. Knowledge is your strongest defense against cybercriminals.
- Protect What Matters: If you handle sensitive data or have privileged access, our specialized training programs ensure you have the skills to safeguard critical university assets.
Staying informed and vigilant helps to Protect Your Data. Protect Your Peers. Protect Our University.
OIS welcomes the opportunity to collaborate with you on department-specific training, brief meeting presentations, event tabling, or other engagements. To coordinate this, submit a request for security training.