Physics Minor

Chair: David Chuss, Ph.D.
Office Location: 347 Mendel Science Center
Telephone: 610-519-4860


Physics is the human endeavor to understand the nature of matter, energy, and their governing interactions from the scale of subatomic particles to that of the cosmos. Through the interplay of theoretical effort and experimentation, physics strives to discover the mathematical laws of nature.  As such, it both forms a foundation for a liberal arts education and provides a framework to address key challenges in our ever-changing technical world. 

The Department of Physics at Villanova University is a nurturing, supportive, and inclusive academic community that strives to reflect the values of the University. We undertake our mission to educate undergraduate students in a broad range of experimental, theoretical, and computational methods through classroom and laboratory experiences. Our students address fundamental questions of nature through meaningful participation in faculty-led research that connects them with physicists around the world. The critical thinking and problem-solving skills learned by our students enable them to engage the diverse world beyond Villanova, whether they continue in the field of physics or choose to apply their educational experience to the challenges of another field.

MINOR: Physics (31 credits)

The Physics Department offers a minor in physics to qualified students whose major area of study lies outside of physics. In general, a student in any area of study, other than physics, may obtain a minor in physics.

Program Notes:

  • Courses that fulfill minor requirements may be used to fulfill other requirements (i.e., primary major, core curriculum, minors, concentrations, or free electives).
  • The Minor in Applied Physics for Math Majors requires all of the Math courses required for the Math degree, plus PHY 2410/2411, 2412/2413 (or PHY 2420/2421, 2422/2423), PHY 3200, PHY 3400, PHY 3310/3311 and PHY 4801/4803. 
Physics Elective for Minor  +
Sub-Total Credits
Total Credits:


The above program requirements are applicable to students entering Summer 2024 and beyond. Please consult the appropriate archived catalog available on the homepage for years prior to these requirements. In order that programs offered by Villanova University reflect current advances and additions to knowledge and upgraded professional requirements, Villanova University reserves the right to change programs and requirements without prior notice. Students generally are bound to the requirements in effect and published online for the year in which their class begins its first year of study. Special requirements may be in effect for students who have left the University and are being readmitted. Students are advised to check with the web catalog or with their college offices regarding changes that may affect them. Additional academic information may be obtained from the various college offices and the web sites listed for the particular policies, programs and services found in this catalog. 





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