ILLUSTRATION: Peter James Field
The Future’s Bright
Dear Friends,
Villanovans do not rest on their laurels—a truth that is certainly made evident by the stories in this magazine, and by the constant activity in our community. Our students are in perpetual motion, filling their years here with classes, service trips, clubs, teams, internships and research projects. Our faculty are inspirations to their students and are making constant advances as leaders and innovators in their fields, while our staff work tirelessly to support and grow all facets of the University. Our alumni go into the world and identify opportunities to make their communities better.
Villanovans are restless. We are always striving to become what we are not yet. But what roots us is our common bond to our Augustinian Catholic values—values that inspire us to pursue academic excellence, learn, grow and ignite change—all in service to the greater good.
As we prepare to enter a new decade, we are looking ahead to the next great chapter in the University’s storied history. Throughout the fall, you’ll be hearing more about our ambitious new strategic plan that will shape the next 10 years at Villanova. It’s a plan you helped us write. Over the past two years, we’ve heard from more than 5,000 Villanovans—you’ve told us what’s important to you, what you hold dear about the University, and where you see room to grow.
We listened. And together, we will build upon our strengths, honoring the legacy of those who have come before us. We will improve the experience of those who are on campus now, and open our doors wide to those who will join our community in the future. I look forward to sharing the details of this plan with you in the months to come.
The Rev. Peter M. Donohue,
OSA, PhD, ’75 CLAS